They are going to run out of Pinocchios if they honestly fact check Joe-Pedo – IOTW Report

They are going to run out of Pinocchios if they honestly fact check Joe-Pedo


Biden earns ‘Four Pinocchios’ from Washington Post for false claim about Georgia voting law.

Liberal paper awarded Biden the designation reserved for ‘whoppers’.


Biden claimed that Georgia changed the law so that voting ended on election day at 5PM.

The guy is a moron.

We have a bonafide moron in the oval office.

Be afraid.

12 Comments on They are going to run out of Pinocchios if they honestly fact check Joe-Pedo

  1. I love it when I see liberals spouting about their “right to vote!”. Too ignorant to know their is no right for individuals to vote for president. But you keep it up scooter, it’s fun to watch.

  2. Why would anyone (particularly a dishonest outfit like the WAPO – who know better) expect anything other than lies from liars?
    Nothing in the WAPO (including the ads) can be believed.
    Nothing out of the mouth of Geezy Joe can be believed.
    Nothing out of the mouth of Jen Ptui can be believed.

    Literally everyone on Earth (with the possible exceptions of some troglodytes on Borneo or New York) should be aware of these simple facts by now.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Their hardest part is to choose what to leak they know is 100% a lie, then slap stickers on it to call it so. But they keep Bernstein employed. He’s the official sticker licker.

  4. …I appreciate the artistry in the “Joe Pedo” meme, but I’m not crazy about the concept.

    First, Joe is of the devil. The devil is not creative, he can only mar, not make. Geppetto was a talented craftsman and WAS able to be creative, so they do not have that in common. You COULD argue that he DID put that expression on her face by his actions, but that still dishonors the idea of Geppetto, who was further NOT pruriently interested in Pinocchio but rather wanted to have a son to raise and share his legacy of skills with. Joe, on the other hand, only wants to molest and corrupt, and THAT with someone he did NOT make. Not the same thing.

    Also, that girl was no puppet. If she WAS, she would not have pulled away nor shown so much disgust. She was her own person and knew instictively to pull away from an agressive pedophile. Good for her to know and draw away from evil at such a young age, even when it wears a nice suit, has a lofty title, and her parents approve of it. But the Pinoccio can’t do that, and actually went TOWARDS evil when given animation by the Blue Fairy. So the anology doesn’t work for me.

    But that’s just me.

    End of douchy overexplained criticism. Still a cool meme, Mr. Mandarin…

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