Black Woman Counselor/Therapist Informs Biden- Yes, You Can Be Black, a Woman, and a Conservative! – IOTW Report

Black Woman Counselor/Therapist Informs Biden- Yes, You Can Be Black, a Woman, and a Conservative!

“…so I did.”

Click through to her youtube page. She’s a pistol! 😄

8 Comments on Black Woman Counselor/Therapist Informs Biden- Yes, You Can Be Black, a Woman, and a Conservative!

  1. It’s probably just my failing hearing or the poor acoustics. I didn’t understand a word she was saying.
    I get the jist that’s she’s on the right page.


  2. This video and its popularity among conservatives is a good example of something I don’t understand. On the one hand conservatives agree that skin color doesn’t make a difference because it is our ideas and values that put us in the same tribe — Americans. On the other hand conservatives always think it’s a big deal when a black conservative says the very same things that white conservatives have been saying all along.

    Is it a big deal because everyone hopes that the black conservative will have an easier time influencing “their people”? And that doesn’t sound right, either. There is a tacit understanding (by conservatives, it would seem) that only blacks can can successfully talk to black Democrats.

    I totally get that, as far as voting habits, percentages, voting history, etc., that all conservatives are hoping to change the black vote from D to R. It’s a conundrum to me that we don’t do mascot politics, but it’s hard to avoid doing it.

  3. ” On the one hand conservatives agree that skin color doesn’t make a difference because it is our ideas and values that put us in the same tribe — Americans.”

    Not me. I value a black conservative more than a white for a couple reasons. They are off the plantation and that’s worth celebrating. But it’s also a thumb in the eye of the DNC who has always considered these Americans their property.
    They also have a habit of expressing themselves in a most articulate way.
    We need all we can get.

    Next up, American Indians. I know, that’s a tall order.

  4. Joe Biden, a longtime KKK associate, hates all black and ethnic people, but especially hates those who are intelligent and assertive, characteristics despised and targeted by the democrat party which is built on racism, discrimination, slavery, segregation, manipulation, deception and every other evil under the sun. Any person, especially a black individual, who shows one iota of intelligence and self-esteem is a threat to the vile racist Joe Biden and his neck-kneeling party. Take note of the KKKJoe’s past “assessment” of Obama who Biden describes as “clean and articulate” not to mention his past and current hatred for Obama and the Harris woman. Bill Lewensky Clinton also described Obama as “this guy should be carrying my luggage”.

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