‘They Did It To Me First’ — Rod Blagojevich Knew Exactly What The FBI Did To Flynn – IOTW Report

‘They Did It To Me First’ — Rod Blagojevich Knew Exactly What The FBI Did To Flynn

Daily Caller: Former Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich says he knew the playbook the FBI was running against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — because they used it on him first.

In an exclusive statement to the Daily Caller, Blagojevich explained that his firsthand knowledge of the way the FBI operated in his case gave him unique insight into the way that Flynn — like so many others in President Donald Trump’s inner circle — was treated in the early days of the Russia investigation.

“In my long and unhappy experience, I saw how they use trickery and deceit as legal tools. They lie and they cheat; they manipulate and minimize evidence; they hide and cover up exculpatory evidence – evidence that proves innocence. And to this day, in my case, they are still covering up tape recordings they made because those tapes show innocence,” Blagojevich told the Caller.

The former governor also said that the prosecution against him had only used about 1% of the recorded phone conversations and the rest had been sealed, a move that prevented him from using the remainder of the recorded calls in his own defense. read more

17 Comments on ‘They Did It To Me First’ — Rod Blagojevich Knew Exactly What The FBI Did To Flynn

  1. In the immortal words of the Chicago Prince of Crooked and Reprehensible: “The only people that don’t want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide.”

    It sounds so simple, but when one thinks about it, it’s so absolute. I’ve never known an honest person who wanted to hide the truth.

  2. To AA.
    I’ve known honest people who would not tell the truth
    unless asked because blurting out “the truth” that involves privacy between we individual sinners unasked is usually destructive, not beneficial.

  3. @Jphn — I think that was implied in the way I worded by comment. The act of hiding something implies that someone else is trying to find out (the truth). To be more precise: I’ve known honest and wise people who never tried to hide the truth.

  4. Sort of related, at least to the techniques the FBI uses.

    Long, long ago I met a Branch Davidian surviving member (there were 9 survivors IIRC) who recounted how the FBI had questioned him and how he had cooperated with it, somehow trusting in their honesty or integrity in the process.

    I’ll never forget the astonishing look he had when he told of how everything he said was turned around and distorted by the FBI to use against him.

    It was then that a Biblical scripture popped into my mind that “by your words are you justified, and by your words are you condemned” (and I wasn’t a very Biblical sort of guy at the time, I don’t know where or how that came to mind).

    The lesson for me then was that you should never talk to the FBI about anything, at least now without the advice of a lawyer while you are doing it.

    I believe that to this day, and have never seen anything to convince me this is a bad idea to keep in mind during daily life with regard to all police contacts of any kind for any reason.

  5. AA “I’ve never known an honest person who wanted to hide the truth.”

    Here’s one for you AA: An honest person is asked by a home invader, “Where are all your valuables?”

  6. The difference is that Blagojevich is a corrupt piece of shit.
    And EVERYBODY in Illinois KNOWS he’s a corrupt piece of shit – whether they like him or not.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Jerri
    “An honest person is asked by a home invader, “Where are all your valuables?””
    Honest person – “The first nine are right here” Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam. Walks over to confirm….bam-bam!

  8. @Jerri — Now that I’ve watched nearly the entire Fundamentals course of Clinton Anderson’s “Down Under Horsemanship” on YT, I know I’d have to apply the stick and string method to you in order to get your feet moving and to understand the concept of what I was saying. LOL!!

    (This lock down is going to have to last at least until September for me to move on up to Anderson’s advanced horsemanship training.)

  9. The June 2017 National Geographic has a great article on “Why we lie” The science behind our complicated relationship with the truth. Check it out

  10. You don’t HAVE to lie.


    “If I say a thing I KNOW is not perfect TRUTH – it is a flat PERJURY.”
    But you don’t have to say a thing.
    A politician can refuse to answer rather than lie.

    Any politician, elected official, appointed official, AT ANY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT who lies to the people who pay him (her, it) should be put to death.
    You lie, you die. Pretty simple.

    izlamo delenda est …

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