They Didn’t Know What The ‘Mexico City Policy’ Is, But They Protested It Anyway – IOTW Report

They Didn’t Know What The ‘Mexico City Policy’ Is, But They Protested It Anyway

DC: On January 23, President Trump re-enacted a policy that’s been in place under every Republican president since 1984 under Ronald Reagan. It’s officially known as the “Mexico City policy,” and it blocks federal aid to foreign NGOs that promote abortion through advice, referrals and the like.

On March 8, a sizable group of protesters gathered to voice their opposition to this GOP practice. The problem? Apparently, most of them had never even heard of the “Mexico City policy.” Luckily, TheDCNF’s Ted Goodman was there to help them.  MORE


12 Comments on They Didn’t Know What The ‘Mexico City Policy’ Is, But They Protested It Anyway

  1. Not too worried about my kids getting into college now.

    Worried about them more when they’re actually there.

    And when did the “short e” sound morph into the “short u” sound? If you asked any of these heifers to say “Jeff Sessions”, it would come out of their pie holes as “Juff Sussions”. I cannot stand to hear a millennial speaking anymore.

  2. Gee whiz, I didn’t know my name could be pronounced Juff. I’ve been Jeff all my life for 64 years and now I’m just a Juff. I suppose next they’ll tell me my middle name Russell means that I rustle (or I’m a rustler) when I walk. What a bunch of maroons.

  3. Just a small part of the far greater problem with “giving” taxpayers’ hard-earned income to maggots connected to politicians.
    Same with PP, ACORN, PBS, all those “negro housing” scams, &c.

    Corruption consumes a good half of the Federal Budget (I’m guessing) and closer to 100% of the Federal Debt. $Trillions are being stolen and there’s no end in sight.

    izlamo delenda est …

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