They just don’t make Nazi White Supremacists like they used to – IOTW Report

They just don’t make Nazi White Supremacists like they used to

PatriotRetort: So, the FBI has arrested the Nazi White Supremacist responsible for making all those bomb threats to Jewish community centers.


I totally didn’t see that coming.

Just kidding!

I totally saw this coming.

The Leftist narrative is built on a foundation of sand.

If we’ve learned anything over the last few months, it’s that you should never fall for the narrative.

The Left puts the “hoax” in hate crimes.

So, this Nazi White Supremacist is a 31-year-old black journalist fired from his job at the Intercept for making up fake quotes.

He got dumped by a girlfriend and decided to make it look like she was emailing bomb threats to JCCs as part of some elaborate cyberstalking scheme.

16 Comments on They just don’t make Nazi White Supremacists like they used to

  1. This would be a blockbuster movie if they made it so the white girlfriend was really making the bomb threats and framing him. An edgy, proggy, jungle fever “Fatal Attraction” to scare the black man away from the white women.

    But yeah, as it is, totally predictable and boring.

  2. I made a huge faux pas several years ago – when I thought a previous boss was conservative but she actually identified as libertarian. I had just realized that libertarians were about the same kind of crazy as liberals and I said that to her. That was awkward.

  3. Sure is a convenient narrative for the FBI. This guy copped to 8% of the phoned in bomb threats that week. It’s unlikely he did all of them. So it was just an amazing coincidence, right? Just like it’s an amazing coincidence that all those Jewish cemeteries were vandalized in multiple places at the same time and, therefore, couldn’t have possibly been done by the same persons. But one of the places hit was St. Louis, where Juan Thompson lives.

    I think this girlfriend story is bullshit. This guy was involved in a larger conspiracy, and he was the weak link. The FBI is covering their ass because this shit went on right under their noses and, clearly, many of the perpetrators were fucking morons, and the FBI still can’t catch them.

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