They Must Be In-Seine – IOTW Report

They Must Be In-Seine

cbs news

On a morning that started with rain, the Olympic triathlons got underway Wednesday as the women dove into the Seine River to start the swim after days of delays and uncertainty over water quality concerns. More

19 Comments on They Must Be In-Seine

  1. “uncertainty over water quality concerns”

    The Seine’s water hasn’t changed. But their concerns disappeared like the brown floaters flowing down river.

  2. Start a couple of gaming pools:
    How soon will the first triathlete get sick?
    How long will the sickness last?
    Men or women first to get sick?

    You get the idea.
    Might as well have some fun with the Olympics.
    (bet’cha the ancient Greeks never had any problems with this)

  3. The Baltimore sewage treatment plant is along the Back River, which flows into the Chesapeake Bay. During heavy floods the plant can’t absorb all the runoff so a bunch of untreated sewage flows into the river. So, there is a common term around the area: “Back River Brown Trout”.

  4. If a swimmer swallows a floating turd, that swimmer should be either disqualified or be declared the gold medal winner.

    Either way – I don’t really give a crap.

    In an historical possibility, all those swimmers could roil up the river bottom and who knows what could float to the top: Napoleons false teeth or Robespierre’s collar bone.

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