They Needed a Small Hero to Step Up – He Volunteered – IOTW Report

They Needed a Small Hero to Step Up – He Volunteered

58 Comments on They Needed a Small Hero to Step Up – He Volunteered

  1. BFH, are you hacked into my phone? I watch a Twitter video and 10 minutes later you post it. This has happened a few times. Ain’t lyin. I just watched this rescue 10 minutes ago.
    Guys is just weird. 😀
    Yes, I still lurk here. A lot.

  2. …now THAT is TRUE heroism.

    A child needed saved so another child stepped up and saved him.

    It was a simple choice to him. To do what few trained adults would.

    You can’t teaxh that. Bravery on this level and that age can only be a gift from God.

    That child will be quite a man one day. Mom should be very proud.

  3. to point out the obvious … he was the only one in the crowd that could fit down the pipe

    but, you either still have got to have the cajónes, or the blissful childhood ignorance of the conception of dying.

    kid probably had both … God bless him.

  4. There’s two blogs I never miss. This one and the Feral Irishman. For totally different reasons. I don’t comment much on there, unlike here. Irish reminds me of many guys I’ve worked with in the trades. And his posts reflect the view of the working man. I can tell you this, the first place I hit on Saturday mornings is the Feral Irishman. The man has a talent gifted to him by God.

  5. “Where the fuck was he when “Baby Jessica” McClure was stuck?
    Some hero…”

    The baby Jessica tragedy occurred in 1987. You’re drunk. Again. Shut up and go to bed. You’re being offensive.

  6. “In fact, a little alcohol may perhaps loosen up that large stick that’s wedged sideways up your dumb, flabby ass.”

    Your dumb ass really needs to meet me sometime. Name it. YOU’LL DIG THE FUCK OUT OF IT. Your blaming a thirteen year old kid for not saving another baby before he was born. Is that humorous? I’m not seeing it. Am I just that tone deaf or is LOCO a complete asshole. Help me out.

  7. Brad, honest question:
    Do you erase the RAM memory in your brain before bedtime each night?
    Do you somehow reboot?
    I mean, you’ve surely seen my comments on this site for years now?

    Be honest though, you are just trolling because you absolutely hate me.
    So, is it a chip on your shoulder or a stick up your ass?
    Perhaps both.
    Get a grip!

  8. It’s a little from column A …and a little from column B.

    It wasn’t a particularly funny joke but the response was disproportionate.

    Haven’t you guys been doing this for…..15 years?

  9. Logo, Brad does not get sarcasm, satire, or nuance of any kind. Yesterday I posted a comment that store owners should display signs inviting their customers to beat the shit out of shoplifters, and he thought I was serious and chastised me for it. I told him from now on I would post a viewer discretion warning to help him out.

  10. Burr, beware the Brad scorned… you even skew a quadrillion of an inch towards my side… YOU ARE DEAD TO HIM!

    PS, it wasn’t meant to be funny, it was for us older fucks to remember something the younger smart-asses would have to google to see WTF I was talking about.

  11. “Logo, Brad does not get sarcasm”


  12. Logo works for me…

    Brad, We both just got back from the DeSantis rally where he pledge to actually do something about illegal immigration, not simply bloviate by promising to send another country a bill for something that was never built.
    How refreshing.

    PS, what kind of thoughts go through your thick head?
    Lots of gay stuff, like calling a grown man a woman’s name & imagining “her/him” in a Speedo.
    You need help!

  13. Brad, I actually have a life and can’t find time to comment on every single thread like you do so I post something here now I’m taking over the blog. You really are a piece of work.

  14. I was waiting for his signature move, where he says something similar to, “you guys have fun diddling each other, I’m out”, and then 5 minutes later he comes back for more, the glutton for punishment that he is.

    But I think I’m just going to read, and check back in in the morning.

  15. Rich Taylor
    That’s damn funny considering how often you comment here. Your obviously not playing hide the belonia with that hot wife of yours. WTF? You’re a dead loser. Admit it.

  16. You know what Brad, if you could take a joke you wouldn’t get so steamed.
    I won’t speak for Rich but I believe he is mostly tongue in cheek with the comments like myself.
    We aren’t mean spirited and don’t hate you at all.
    You on the other hand want to throw hands.
    Laugh a little.
    “Why so serious?”

  17. I hope everyone realizes the two butt buddies spent a lot of time tonight insulting anybody that had something negative to say about Ronda. But never said anything to defend him. The twins continue to insult me, behind the safety of their computer screen. I dunno. I think they define chicken shit. I am available.
    And to cut to the chase, what really has them bothered is they realize I’m right. MAGA owns the Republican party. And MAGA will NOT vote for for Ronda. Period, end of story. Ronda’s wasting Jebbies money and his time. Not to mention peeps that voted for him for Gov are pissed he’s not doing his job. Rohndas fan boys are stupid.

  18. Who is this “Ronda” you are obsessed with Brad?
    I don’t know who she is or anything about her.
    Why would I comment or defend a woman I know nothing about?
    Weird obsession…

    Are you stalking her?
    You do know that is illegal right?
    She may have to get a restraining order.
    Your comments here could be used against you in court.
    Whatever she did to you, you should let it go.
    She may boil a bunny on your stove.

  19. ^^^^
    I think you two idiots have done a pretty good job of exposing tonight Loco. Maybe a little too much. I’ll never vote for Ronda. Neither will any of my MAGA friends. Now what?

  20. I won’t likely vote for this Ronda you speak of either.
    Nikki is the only woman in the race so far.
    If this Ronda chick enters she isn’t going to have the name recognition.
    Perhaps she can be Trump’s VP?
    Not if she’s hot though… something something grab em by the pussy…

  21. 30 days of pride is no longer enough, bigot!
    Sure, there are other days in the year like “coming out day” in October, butt fuck your neighbor and give a reach-around day in November but still not enough days devoted to LGBTQIAOMICRON…

  22. I think Brad and LBS are drinking buddies that aspire to come up with the best put-down of the day with each other.
    And, they’re pretty good at it.
    Master Slamsters, they.


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