They Nicknamed Him ‘American Gangster’ – IOTW Report

They Nicknamed Him ‘American Gangster’

How Joe Biden Reportedly Oversaw The Laundering Of $4 Billion Of American Aid To Ukraine.

CDM: July 25, 2020

There is a reason the Ukrainians nicknamed former Vice President Joe Biden…the American Gangster.

Then Vice President Biden was appointed by President Obama to oversee the distribution of American/IMF aid money to Ukraine and to reign in corruption.

He did the opposite.

Yesterday, a little-known former Ukrainian member of parliament (MP) David Zhvania, who was intimately involved with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in their rise to power, described in a video release how the Poroshenko team reached the presidency in Ukraine, only to strip the nation of its wealth and move it offshore, essentially the same thing Ukrainian President Viktor Yanykovych did before them, gold toilets, loaves of bread and all.

24 Comments on They Nicknamed Him ‘American Gangster’

  1. The avarice in the Biden* administration is breathtaking. Where are the Woodward and Bernstein of the current crop of ‘journalists’? You’d think some Jimmy Olsen Cub Reporter would like to make a name for himself and bust this story wide open. But I’m just daydreaming on a Saturday night.

  2. All of this explains the numbers of Mansions (clintons, Obamas and Bidens), Martha’s Vineyards, Hunters apartments, Sex Clubs and lavish living with high end whores and doing $100s of thousands of dollars of Illegal drugs. Sorry, But JOE was deeply involved.

    How long can the Corrupt DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, State Department, Accountants at the Pentagon and Secret Service remain silent.

    Does protecting the President require them to ignore illegal activity and the law? If so, they too should be brought up on changes and prosecuted.

  3. They have almost always been corrupt, through pre-Biblical times, through the Biblical times, and onward through Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Judge Greene (and his minions), and on and on.

  4. Quite so. I’d have my slaves sharpening up 30 million pikes.

    “Do you know how long that is going to take?”

    “We are The Bell System! If we can’t make 30 million pikes in a week, WE SUCK! And YOU know what that means.”

  5. nah … they’ll turn the fondling, drooling turdbrain out to pasture, w/ his pudding cups, & say, “he’s just an old ‘warrior’, always honorably trying to do the right thing, on the right side, always for the children (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) & the great march forward to true ‘democracy’ & diversity, advancing the fight for/against ‘Climate Change … or whatever, always striving for the betterment of the new migrants of the United States.

    “it would be cruel to punish this poor, poor elderly, incapacitated man, who always only wanted to serve his country & help the poor & downtrodden, like the true magnificent statesman that he was. now, the sacrifices he has made for the country, & the cruel ravages of advanced age have brought this great man down.

    “now in his hour of need we simply cannot bring to punish & tarnish his stellar record as a great representative, life guard, Amtrac conductor, semi-truck driver, senator, highest IQ genius, synagogue attending vice-president & tripping-up-the-steps pResident by seeking ‘revenge’ on this poor, adle-brained old ‘crusader’.”

    … bank on it

  6. Biden is a symptom of a much more pernicious disease.

    The fact that EVERY Federal Agency supports and defends this corruption (and HAS for a generation) should give every single American pause.

    If it were only the FBI, only the IRS, only the DOJ, only the DHS – it might be retrievable – but the treasonous rot permeates all.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. imo the only just punishment these evil degenerates deserve is to have them experience the same terror they inflicted on the children

  8. Joe Biden: “Master Mind”
    Really? Gimme a fuking break! Not buying it.
    The man was an asshole in collegee, he was an asshole 30 years ago and he’s still a giant asshole, just even dumber!
    Tell me he wasn’t bent enough to visit Epstien Island, but he didn’t because people didn’t want him around them to go blabber-mouthing about their escapades like the big mouthed idiot that he is! I think Hunter and the family has a LOT to do with it!

  9. “Joe Biden: “Master Mind”
    Really? Gimme a fuking break! Not buying it.”

    Might it be Dr. Jill® in the role of facilitator? I’m guessing she was so enthralled with the degree of grift when Joey Depends was VP that she was beside herself with the thought of what they could rake in with Slo Joe™ in the big chair.


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