They Once Voted to Impeach Trump, Now They Question His Indictment – IOTW Report

They Once Voted to Impeach Trump, Now They Question His Indictment

RedState: Two U.S. Senators who voted to impeach Donald Trump are now publicly questioning the political motives behind a set of pending indictments from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s grand jury.

Republican Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia are the latest politicians to openly criticize the indictments against the former president, according to the New York Times:

“It’s just a very, very sad day for America,” said Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, the Democrat, referring to Mr. Trump’s indictment in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

“Especially when people are maybe believing that the rule of law or justice is not working the way it’s supposed to and it’s biased — we can’t have that,” Mr. Manchin said. “But on the other hand, no one’s above the law. But no one should be targeted by the law.”

Senator Bill Cassidy, Republican of Louisiana, who cemented himself as an enemy of Mr. Trump’s with his conviction vote for Jan. 6, 2021, went even further on the same Fox News program — casting doubt over the ethics and motivations of the Manhattan prosecutor.

“It’s wrong. I’ll put it this way — no one should be the target of the law,” Mr. Cassidy said. “This seems to be more about the person than about the crime.”

Manchin has been openly attacking his party this week, with an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal attacking the Biden administration and its environmentalist policies while also not ruling out running for president in 2024 against Biden during the Sunday morning talk shows. Cassidy, meanwhile, has been under attack by his own party back home after the impeachment vote as well as his support of Biden’s infrastructure plan. MORE

16 Comments on They Once Voted to Impeach Trump, Now They Question His Indictment

  1. I know that it will be difficult for some to believe, but politicians do not care about you.
    They go out and tell you what you want to hear so you’ll vote for them, but they have no interest in you.
    Left. Right. Makes no difference. They’re just acting like they can’t stand each other, but it’s all just for show.

  2. Actually Prez Trump can use the indictments to his own advantage by finally exposing all those in government and beyond who are corrupt polluted. That should include first and foremost ChinaJoe Biden, his disgusting son and family, Pelosi and her fetish pervert husband, the Harris woman and her red chinese communist-connected husband, murderous genocidal Fauci, scheming screaming memes Clinton and many others. When the human bondage trafficker Joe Biden goes down so will the rest of the sewer sludge. The indictments against Prez Trump will elevate him to his finest hour once he exposes all.

  3. Manchin has no spine.
    He probably is nervous the deep state donors will get their bought and paid for prosecutors to go after him next time they need his vote.

  4. step back a second and look at it
    wasn’t Trump impeached for wanting to investigate corruption in ukraine?
    if they hadn’t run that into the swamp, things would be very different in the world today.
    they’ll do what ever they need to do to perpetuate that corruption
    it is how they make their money

  5. Manchin knows his constituency.
    He may be vile and corrupt but he’s an adept pol.

    I don’t know anything about Cassidy, but it somehow fits his calculus, as well.

    Politicians are (for the most part) amoral maggots who will do and say any and every thing to promote their personal interests – either consonant with or opposed to – their constituency’s interests.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Dan Newhouse, who was the Bellevue Boy’s Club’s hand picked lackey has been trying to distance himself from the vote he cast to impeach Donald Trump on their behalf. This moron has to tread lightly, look closely and you will see that well represented among their concubines and wives are rabid, foaming at the mouth, Democrat activists.

    As for him? Ask anyone who knows the Newhouse clan.

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