They said it was one of the greatest college plays of all time … wait for the punch line – IOTW Report

They said it was one of the greatest college plays of all time … wait for the punch line

13 Comments on They said it was one of the greatest college plays of all time … wait for the punch line

  1. @Uncle Al – the upshot of The Play is that Cal is the only NCAA football team that lets its players play on the school rugby team, and several of the players involved played rugby. Cal tends to dominate the US collegiate rugby scene as a result.

  2. What happened to being able to watch football without the political analogies?

    He’s going to win it, wait a minute the other side is pulling out the play of the century and has won it, oh, wait a minute, nope, wow, lost due to a foul/technicallity on the play. {begin Maxwell Smart quote “Missed it by that much”}

  3. Dan
    Right both times!
    Cal Rugby is the best; Crew is also good!

    When Darrel Imhoff played roundball it was good as well. Of course you were not born; but maybe your grandparents told you.

    And I think a pro team traded 11 players to draft Les Richter about 67 years ago.

  4. I dont think that illegal lateral was thrown forward, the runner threw it when he was on the ground at the 36 .. to a lineman who was right at the 36

    Meanwhile what #71 did was so preposterous it should have been illegal, even if it didn’t violate any rule. They should have made up a rule on the spot.

  5. LCD, my youngest sister was a freshman at Berkeley same year as you, and was inside the stadium to see it. So I broke the play down for her, so she’d understand what really happened

    First two laterals are meaningless; second one should have ended the game, it was so bad

    Biggest break was Dwight Garner getting off that third lateral just as he was about to hit the ground. More important was the fact that 6 and then 7 Stanford players converged on Garner to bring him down. So when the ball came out Cal outnumbered Stanford by at least 2 players on the rest of the field

    What in the world was going on in the brain of that seventh guy who came across the field to help. What’s up, Mr Helper? Didn’t think those other six teammates could bring Garner down? Forget about that lateral thingie that was going on?

    Mariet Ford, who took the fourth lateral made a brilliant play where he weaved his way thru the defense for 15 yards and then jumped to the center of the field while lateraling over the back of his head. By doing so, he cleared the lane for Moen to score …. Oh, and sorry to report this but that last was clearly a forward lateral

    And finally, fuck you Stanford Band. I heard all about your Neo-Hippie bullshit antics from many sources, so I’m glad to report you bear a huge responsibility for that loss. Because you distracted the refs from seeing that last lateral and you also blocked your own players from saving the game

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