They Say a Disgruntled Loser At a Madden NFL Gaming Tournament Shot Multiple People – IOTW Report

They Say a Disgruntled Loser At a Madden NFL Gaming Tournament Shot Multiple People


The nutbag was a former winner.

Look at this loser who shot people because he lost a video game–> David Katz


One witness at the gaming event told Fox News that someone who was competing in the tournament lost and “went crazy and started shooting up the room.” However, police have not confirmed a possible motive, nor have they released the name of a suspect.

The gamer said he had gone outside to make a phone call when the shots rang out. He said he saw people fighting to get out of the place, and he started running from the area.

A video surfaced on social media showed players disconnecting from the game as gunshots were heard in the background. At least 12 gunshots were heard in the video.

A reporter from Fox-affiliate CBS47/FOX30, Brittney Donovan, said that at least one person was seen being loaded onto a stretcher and into an ambulance.

Madden NFL 19 is a new video game based on the NFL that’s developed and published by EA Sports.

29 Comments on They Say a Disgruntled Loser At a Madden NFL Gaming Tournament Shot Multiple People

  1. Normally I would be against any new laws being added to the books, rather, we should be removing outdated and duplicative statutes. I will, however, make an exception for this idea: All prisoners, when booked into jail, should be holding their voter ID (assuming they have one) for all to see. Then we can truly investigate any possible correlation between political philosophy/party membership and crime. I’m going out on a limb to guess this shooter (like so many others) is a Dem.

  2. Gun free zone, I guess he didn’t see the sign.
    We need bigger signs.
    Run, hide and calling the police are what you do, but it would be faster and save lives to shoot back. When the cops show up it’s over, your love ones might be dead. But rest assured they will do an amazing job investigating the crime.

  3. Who loses their shit over traffic? A parking spot? A comment on the internet? Coupon lady at the grocery store? Slow drivers? Speeders? A slow internet connection? Feel ripped off on a deal? Spousal infidelity? Coming into contact with someone of a differing opinion?

    Anyone who has never seen video game rage, it’s like any other rage. Any human contact can potentially provoke rage over some indignity – real or imagined.

    Like any other rage, it’s how people learn to process it. Tailgate them? Brake check them? Tirelessly rebut them? Stalk them to their home and work?

    Shoot them dead where they stand.

    Or, in the immortal words of Fight Club, “to let that which does not matter to truly slide”. After a certain point, I can count the only things that really matter on one hand even if I blew two of my fingers off in a 4th of July accident.

  4. Sadly, far too many in this generation of disturbed children have never learned how to deal with social interaction. Practically anything can trigger them into acts such as these. This is just the world we live in, and it is only going to get worse.

  5. Thank God (and I mean this) that is didn’t happen at a call of duty tournament or a halo one.
    That would just be used to perpetrate the ridiculous lie that video games encourage shootings.

    …of course I bet you a zillion gumdrops that the media and left are already saying it anyway.
    Why not blame the NFL? It’s a football game after all.
    (The real culprit is mental instability, or maybe participation trophies.)

  6. This is about more than just a video game. The game is the conduit to the prize. There are thousands and the potential for hundreds of thousands of dollars in these matches. Not to mention, notoriety, endorsements, invitations by football teams, meeting famous people, becoming “internet famous”, etc.

    Dash it off with some trash talking that can get overtly personal. Remember that SWATting incident from last year where the innocent guy got killed? That was over a $1.50 bet.

    I’d wager something was said more than “good game, dorkwad”. OTOH, someone who brings a gun from Maryland to Florida was planning for failure. Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

  7. He was from Baltimore, it is very difficult to legally buy a pistol but not so much certain rifles. My question is where did he get this gun and was it in a legal manor?

    I feel for the families of the people who were killed. He lived with his parents and was a professional gamer. That screams instability issues and he was never taught responsability.

  8. So, the people saying Video Games lead to gun violence are vindicated right? Is anybody Naive enough to think this little weak sister hasn’t spent most of his life playing fucking Car Jacker 101, or what ever they call it. This narrative needs to flip a bitch and be pointed back to the lazy sacks of shit that live in moms basement and play these violent games.

  9. Saw a post about the sh*tbag shooter’s internet postings from before….

    Big surprise, he was a confirmed member of “resistance” and was all about whining and throwing tantrums about not getting his way in life, politics, elections and throwing hate at anyone and anything that dared disagree with him.

    Why is anyone surprised that when whinny boy looses a game he looses his mind (what little is left of it).

    Yet our MSM and political “resistance” wants to encourage more of this?

    This will NOT end well.

    MSG Grumpy

  10. I play Halo, CoD, Skyrim, etc. I’ve never (not even once) had the urge to go out and throw a football at someone.
    Violent games do not make people go play sports, no matter what the game content/plot or graphics are.
    Nor do sports games make a person violent.
    Let’s go real conspiracy theory here:
    He was all ready to carry out this violent act prior to losing, so maybe he “intentionally lost” so that he could be yet another poster boy for more restrictions, both on guns and games.
    Convenient how he killed himself so that he would never “accidentally spill the beans” about his acts & motivations.
    He willingly sacrificed himself for the cause.


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