They Say Harold Needs To Refocus – IOTW Report

They Say Harold Needs To Refocus

I dunno, Harold seems pretty damn focused.

18 Comments on They Say Harold Needs To Refocus

  1. Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!

    What’s the big deal? Harold H. answered the question, but his answers were rejected with no explanation. How’s he supposed to know what he needs to change on the re-do?

    He does need to work on his drawing skills, though, in order to piss off the teacher even more.

  2. I love this! Keep drawing DogMan (and his trusty sidekick, CatMan there at the bottom of the page). You are destined for greatness! Always meet your deadlines, kid.

    My 4th grade math teacher, Mrs. Neeeely, used to relish making me do math in front of the class. I never got anything correct. She’d admonish me with, “all you’ll ever be able to do is draw your silly pictures.” Then she’d call on her class pet who grew up to be a lawyer in Brussels. Better to grow up to be an artist I’d say!

  3. UPDATE: Unable or unwilling to compromise his artistic principles, Harold eventually dropped out of school in the tenth grade and became a plumber’s apprentice. Through hard work and an independent spirit which the school system was unable to crush despite their best efforts, he is now a Master Plumber with a business of his own, several employees, and he nets well over a half million dollars a year after taxes.

    Meanwhile Harold’s teachers, who have not fared as well, are still committed to re-focusing children for the betterment of society.

    Their tireless efforts continue to this day.

  4. Harold is our kind of guy.
    He is trolling the teacher by drawing a cat pulling cats in a stroller. Freak out she did.
    Dog Man is on the back page,you know he is.

  5. Illust8r & VV
    Real life example. A class mate of mine wasn’t that great of student and his dad was a garbage man. One day I will never forget a teacher decided to publicly humiliate him: “Tim, your never going to be anything more than a garbage man like your father.” About the time old Tim and I graduated high school the world decided that garbage should be hauled away and put in lined pits and recycled and Tim is now worth millions. Teacher, who knows, probably died still pissed that the world didn’t appreciate her.

  6. Two buddies and I created a comic strip in the seventh grade. It was about a “special needs” super-hero named “Spastic Man”. We cracked each other up with our creative genius. You must remember we were influenced by Mad Magazine and the like at that stage of our lives. We weren’t mean kids who made fun of special needs kids. We were just clowning around during a simpler time.


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