They Say That Porn Gives Young People an Unrealistic and Unhealthy Idea About Sex – IOTW Report

They Say That Porn Gives Young People an Unrealistic and Unhealthy Idea About Sex

In reality,


15 Comments on They Say That Porn Gives Young People an Unrealistic and Unhealthy Idea About Sex

  1. To be sure there is a difference between the old days when we could get a copy of Hustler and today, when it’s there with a few clicks. That’s one thing. But what about all the weirdo stuff? That’s what worries me. The Bruce Jenner stuff, for example,

  2. the real problem started when we let the supreme court take God out of the classrooms.

    all the sex stuff is only the results of the states promotion of immorality.

    funny they took the Christian God out of the classroom and installed satan, allah and the state in his place.

    boy, we sure are an enlightened society now!

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