They say the flood was unprecedented – It was also unpresidented – IOTW Report

They say the flood was unprecedented – It was also unpresidented


17 Comments on They say the flood was unprecedented – It was also unpresidented

  1. Those in Louisiana and Mississippi are no fools.
    I hope they give Obama the welcome he deserves.
    I would imagine those that get close will be highly vetted Obama supporters. The real folks in need who were left to fend for themselves won’t be close enough to see him, let alone speak.
    Maybe he’ll bring black lives matter with him, the black panthers, Reverend (of no congregation) AL sharpton, Reverend (of no congregation) jesse jackson and a bunch of community organizers like ACOrN or whatever they call themselves now. There’s money on the table, for the gettin’.

  2. Barry checked out a couple months back. He could care less. He will continue to try and fuel the flames of his race war, but GOLF. Nobodies told him he sucks at that yet. The only reason he continues to play.

  3. I called him about this and he said, don’t bother me, I’m busy golfing. Then he mummbled something to the affect of, I gots a blister on my second pinkie on my left hand. I said wait, what? HELLO!

  4. obama travel to the flood zone?
    for what?
    a community organizing event?
    it’s not like he would unload trucks, or help evacuate the population.
    he might explain how they were all victims of white privilege or something, maybe tell them they didn’t build that.
    what a pos.
    watch the video of oblamo campaigning railing against bush for not “being there”.
    he’s more like chauncy gardener than any potus we have had.

  5. Obama was set into office to pave the way for other countries to bring about the downfall of the USA. He has not done one good thing for this country but has weakened it. And Hillary that lying power hungry whore will do the same. VOTE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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