They Say Trump is Anti-Constitution – IOTW Report

They Say Trump is Anti-Constitution


NY Judge: The Second Amendment Doesn’t Exist Here. ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.’ Judge Abena Darkeh, suggesting that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply anywhere she doesn’t approve? What other rights don’t exist in New York under Judge Darkeh’s paradigm? Do defendants not have the right to representation? Is free speech non-existent? You think Trump will get a fair trial in New York?

Bearing Arms- From the beginning of Taylor’s trial, it was evident that the court would be biased against the defendant, according to [Taylor’s attorney, Vinoo] Varghese, who explained that two judges presided over his case before the current official, Judge Abena Darkeh, took over.

The judge disrupted Varghese’s opening statement multiple times as he tried to set the stage for Taylor’s defense. Even further, she admonished the defense to refrain from mentioning the Second Amendment during the trial. Varghese told RedState:

She told us, ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.’

Varghese said he had filed the appropriate paperwork to “preserve these arguments for appeal” but that the judge “rejected these arguments, and she went out of her way to limit me.”


24 Comments on They Say Trump is Anti-Constitution

  1. Judge. Abena. Darkeh.
    Let’s look at that again.
    Judge. Darkeh.
    Judge Darkie.
    You can’t make this sh!t up.
    I’m sure that her DildoCrat Massahs are pleased that she chose to stay on the plantation.

  2. Hopefully this guy can get the funds together to take it to SCOTUS.
    This judge is another example of how corrupt the Bar is.
    The Bar should be speaking up about the twisting of laws and the weaponization of the law and courts but they are silent.

  3. It sure seems if a judge can stop the US Constitution from being in the court room his being in the room should be stopped as well. Must be we now have un-constitutional courts running things in the Empire Tax State of NY. What does Gov Hochul think of pick and chose parts of the constitution judges?? Silence most likely, she most likely thinsk it’s just fine if she is told by judges it is.

  4. As I’ve said before, there is no law without enforcement.
    Now the only law is what Selective Enforcement gives us in a two-tiered Communist State fabricating “crimes” for political tyranny!

  5. Looks like this stupid idiot picked the wrong city to manufacture “Ghost Guns”. No firearm license no license to manufacture firearms. I don’t need no stinking license & you guessed it, GUILTY. Hobby your ass. So how many of these untraceable ghost guns are out there. Be careful if you pick a similar hobby. This kinda shit is getting the smack down. Follow the laws & Constitution, anything but.

  6. A judge who refuses to defend and protect all of the U.S. Constitution must not be tolerated.
    “Contempt of Court”, should apply to this rogue, leftist BLM judge, too. Intimidating/threatening the jurors, defense lawyer and defendant by a presiding judge has got to be a criminal offense.

  7. He’ll have plenty-o-time to splain his hobby behind bars.
    Help a brudder out. I was just fillin a community needs to protect themselves, at least dats what all the gang members said.


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