They Thought She Had a Runny Nose From Allergies – IOTW Report

They Thought She Had a Runny Nose From Allergies

It took years, but finally she received a correct diagnosis. She was leaking BRAIN FLUID!

Newser –

When Kendra Jackson first got the runny nose, she thought it was a cold symptom. But it continued for years, along with other symptoms including coughing, sneezing, and headaches. “Everywhere I went I always had a box of Puffs, always stuffed in my pocket,” she tells KETV. “[It was] like a waterfall, continuously.” Doctors told her it was likely just allergies, but she knew it was more. Now, finally, she has her answer: It was a brain fluid leak. Jackson was diagnosed with the cerebrospinal fluid leak at Nebraska Medicine, and their use of all-caps in announcing her story on Facebook pretty much sums things up: “fluid FROM HER BRAIN WAS LEAKING OUT OF HER NOSE!”


14 Comments on They Thought She Had a Runny Nose From Allergies

  1. WTF? If I recall correctly you can see and taste the difference between CSF and ordinary nasal discharge; not that complicated, I would think, for an M.D. if a corpsman can do it.

    I wonder if this misdiagnosis is a result of modern doctor attitude – doctors who basically think they know everything to the point that very little their patients say is taken seriously enough to look beyond the ordinary.

  2. I feel for this lady. In 2012, I had CSF removed to test for MS. They didn’t warn me that I could have a leak or how they fix it. For 3 months, the pain was unreal 24/7. It was way worse than the worst headache you have ever had, plus it felt like being shocked at the same time. Any slight movement was excrutiating. It even affected my vision. I was extremely ill at the time, and just thought that this was another symptom of my illness. Luckily for me, not MS. Being near death will change your outlook on life.


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