And so she did.

Voter was told she could not wear her Trump shirt to vote…
So she took off her shirt, said some choice words to the poll workers, and voted anywayll
And so she did.
Voter was told she could not wear her Trump shirt to vote…
So she took off her shirt, said some choice words to the poll workers, and voted anywayll
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That’s the spirit
Sure that’s not Walmart?
Why is woman on the right wearing a tiara?
^^^ That’s Wendy Bell of the Wendy Bell show (Fridays Bad Jokes)…..Gloriousle looking woman…
nothing to do with Trump. a Trump shi e t within a polling place violates the law. she should’ve known better
Sounds like a violation of free speech…no??
@Mad Celt
As some wit once said: The Law is [sometimes] an ass.
“Take that Trump shirt off NOW” said the unbiased, braless, pierced n tatted, green-hair-Mohawk poll worker wearing Birkenstocks, a Che T shirt, and rainbow bling.
It depends on what state you’re in whether a partisan shirt is a no-no for the polling place. Here in Florida it’s only the official poll workers and watchers who have to wear non-political stuff. The voters can be as partisan as they please. One of the many smallish but nice things about this state.
That’s hot
The left & MSM blew up about a MAGA hat behind home plate during Game 1.
I would love to be rich enough to troll these bastards like that…
A month before the 2020 Presidential election, we had a local election. When I went in to vote I was told I would have to take my MMGA cap out to my vehicle. I knew immediately what the poll worker was thinking and asked him if he could read. He got rather indignant and replied that of course he could read. I then asked him what it said on my cap.
(make mining great again)
He made a half assed apology and said that was alright and I voted with no further hassle but later I got to wondering: Is there something partisan about MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?
Make Asshole Kamala Suck Again
Good for granny!
Would have been even better if she had been young and braless, and took off her shirt to vote.
Forget the young. voting topless would have served them right.
PS Also could become a fad.