“They Was Like, ‘Oh Snap, A Foot” – IOTW Report

“They Was Like, ‘Oh Snap, A Foot”

This was a few years ago, it ended up in my recommended videos section of YouTube.

It’s both sad and very entertaining (God forgive me.)

Notice how CBS can’t even resist the bad pun, calling the segment “Grave Accident.”


30 Comments on “They Was Like, ‘Oh Snap, A Foot”

  1. Color me suspicious….that “foot” was a little too fresh to be have been in a casket from an adjacent grave that had fallen apart because of time in the ground. I’m sure that a little “green” from the cemetery owners will soothe the wounded feelings.

  2. Here in Michigan you have to put a cement vault in the ground to contain the casket. The biggest problem in the video is that they dug the hole one foot five toes to wide.

  3. This picture symbolizes the Democrat Party for when you die they still want to have a leg up on you, even though they have one foot in the grave.
    And people fault Cops for graveyard humor, gimme a break.

  4. Confused, his sunset was July 30, 2017.
    Service was August 4th, 2017.
    Even though video mentions ‘just last week’.
    No matter, ” she can’t eat’,,,
    From time mark .58 through 1.04,
    Looks like she has had no issue with that.
    Bet’ yea, SNAP can report differently.
    ‘Hoe dah doo’,,,


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