They were promised help getting sober and a fresh start. Instead, they ended up stranded. – IOTW Report

They were promised help getting sober and a fresh start. Instead, they ended up stranded.

ABQJ: About two months ago a white van pulled up next to Steve Valdez on the streets of Southeast Albuquerque and asked if he wanted to go to rehab.

Those inside offered him $100 for each person he got to go with him and promised that they could all stay together in a group home in Phoenix while they got treatment. They emphasized that he’d have to get food stamps and promised that after 12 days they’d get him a job.

The 53-year-old from the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe in Towaoc, Colorado, told the Journal he was tempted to go — and he did want to get sober. But something about the situation seemed sketchy.

And then he was able to get some work doing roofing so he decided to pass up the opportunity. A couple of his friends were not so lucky.

“When they came back they said they got us for everything,” recalled Valdez, sitting in a narrow strip of land abutting the Albuquerque Indian Center. “They were pissed off. It was awful, they didn’t have no drugs, they were sick. The first day they took them to a motel room, the second day they were in the motel room, then they had them sign some paperwork and the third day … they just left them.” more

12 Comments on They were promised help getting sober and a fresh start. Instead, they ended up stranded.

  1. The best solution I found for a drinking problem was to stop drinking.
    Luckily it was that easy for me though I realize many aren’t able to do the same but you have to want to quit before you can.

  2. One thing about a government program is that somebody will find a way to make money off it illegally.
    Another thing is that the program will never die, because those administering it would lose their jobs and that just isn’t going to happen. And as a result, they will do all they can for more and more people to qualify – even if that means destroying their lives. It’s just so they can keep getting the government paycheck.
    Everyone is motivated by the need to survive and thrive. It’s just reality. And why we need to have oversight over every single government department, every single program.

  3. The same FBI that knows what every Christian mom says at every school board meeting nationwide can’t find the people who are making Indians disappear even though those people file paperwork with the Federal Government and daily have people actively and openly recruit in areas they are well known.

    It’s almost like they have particular priorities that are more about politics than solving actual crimes like kidnapping, especially since some of the kidnappers may also be the Fibbie’s Federal sponsors…

  4. After deinstitutionalization the Counties set up group homes with stipends given to barely trained keepers based soley on how many fruits and nuts they took in.

    Nothing good EVER came of it, but a whole lot of bad did.

    Total scam then. Total scam now.

    But now with 10% for The Big Guy.

  5. I’m guessing those that have disappeared died of intractable seizures from withdrawal. The guy they interviewed did say they had no drugs. Probably dumped the bodies but billed for the full amount.


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