They Will Paint Him as a Crazy – IOTW Report

They Will Paint Him as a Crazy

Something ironic about being told the virus is extremely deadly but you’re allowed to go to COSTCO, and when a guy points this out he is called the crazy one.

32 Comments on They Will Paint Him as a Crazy

  1. BBB

    Turns out that shit can live dormant for 50 years. And then poof. That diagnosis did cause some minor friction. Meanwhile I’m considering doing a PSA for young boys. Something like, ya see this? Look delicious doesn’t it? Don’t Freaken do it. Lol

  2. Standing on a table in the middle of a Costco, shouting through a megaphone. He may be right, but he probably is at least a bit crazy. Newsom’s lockdowns have probably made a lot of people crazy, or caused them to lose whatever control they had over their crazy.

    It’s like they want people to blow up. Obama tried for eight years to goad conservatives and patriots into blowing up — so he could stomp us down. Maybe this is just another attempt at accomplishing it? I’m not so sure that reaping the whirlwind is a wise strategy.

  3. @ACParker–

    So what’s the alternative? If protesting in such a way as to catch people’s beaten-down attention isn’t okay?

    “Newsom’s lockdowns have probably made a lot of people crazy, or caused them to lose whatever control they had over their crazy.”

    Newsom’s lockdowns haven’t made me crazy–they’ve made me completely, utterly, absolutely pissed off. And, because of being surrounded by compliant sheep here, that pissed-off-ness has to be exhibited in less-than-genteel ways.

  4. @Ann Nonymous Prime –

    Double standard, I suppose. A conservative standing on a table in Costco shouting through a megaphone seems crazy.

    If he was a liberal with a hand scrawled BLM t-shirt it would be understandable because we accept that he is crazy.

    I guess the hope is that we are able to keep hold of our sanity better than the libs.

    Can we get our point across without lowering ourselves to their tactics?

  5. @ACParker–

    Liberals with BLM t-shirts would have looted and then burned down the COSTCO if they were mad enough. Standing on a table full of jeans and shouting through a megaphone IS keeping our sanity in comparison.

    We’ve tried getting our point across in calmer ways. How well has that worked out?

  6. AC any idea how.
    I told the manger at Safeway as he had us all lined up that we are now no better than a commie country,guess what, he said I was right.
    I said that in a very loud voice as I left the store with out buying anything. Seattle is home for me, the looks I got were brutal but he knew I was right.
    One more thing, they have never had us line up outside of the store again, and that was from last April.

  7. Reached my mask limit when I had to ride a bus because of car trouble. The bus driver insisted I wear a mask. I told him I had a medical reason, so I don’t have to wear a mask. He responded by saying I need a medical card or wear a mask. Told him there is no “medical card”, it’s an honor system and he had to take my word for it, that I can’t wear a mask.
    He said, it’s the law. I said, no it isn’t – the governor mandated masks.

    While I’m talking, the ten mask wearing sheeple on the bus are moving to the back of the bus.
    I told them I’m sorry about holding up the bus but this mandatory masks wearing is ridiculous – You could hear a pin drop. *sigh*.

    The bus driver was patient and I emphasized if you have a medical excuse it is an exception to the mandate, so I’m exempt. He said sorry it’s bus policy – no card, no mask, no ride. Driver still didn’t get it. Insisted passengers with no masks are caught on the bus camera and he’d be written up or something like that.

    Thank goodness I live in the “polite” South because despite my protest, the bus driver let me on the bus. He still insisted I “wear” a mask, so I wore it under my chin. Some smart a** who hadn’t move to the back of the bus yet commented the masks are at the front of the bus.
    Somebody else yelled something from the back – Good thing I was too pissed to care.

    As I got off the bus at my stop. The driver apologized. I said I didn’t blame him, but I do blame the progressive (leftist) city bus service.

    Done with busses in this blue stained city. Next, time I’ll take a cab. The cab service is run by middle east foreigners who hardly ever wear masks.

  8. :::: — Who voted for Newsome?, you ask. Apparently Dominion Voting Systems! Does anyone in CA really believe they could have gone from Moon Doggy Brown to Newsome? And how about Portland after a year’s worth of those fascistic anti-fa? Dominion almost got a someone worse than their current mayor elected; no way Multnomah county voted for that crazy commie.

  9. OMG! Sending to my brother!
    He got kicked out of Sam’s on Sun by three cops and I told the security employees they need to grow a set and stop thinking Herr General Mills dictating citizens call cops on other citizens because it’s like Nazis and Communists.

    He will love this.

  10. I saw a guy in the middle of the median next to the traffic light on Hwy. 95 in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho yesterday waving and walking back and forth with a large sign saying that Covid was not the reason for everything that’s happened. At first I thought he was a nut, but he’s my kinda nut, I should’ve honked my horn. Anyone remember the old Johnny Cash song Everybody Loves A Nut, this guy was it and I loved it. It was very cold with a slight snowfall in CDA yesterday and this guy had the courage to stand out in the cold to remind everyone that the whole Covid mess is bs.

  11. The guy needs to buy his $hit, go home, get his ammo and guns ready. Get his neighbors together and decide who is going to be in charge and mobilize your hood. I think the guy is preaching to the choir and Costco employees are scared $hitless about what to do. No adult wants to be treated like a child, and I think that’s what’s going on here with this pandemic. The group of people being targeted are the youngsters. They’re being shaped and manipulated for future lockdowns manufactured or real. Notice how TSHasn’tHTF YET? That’s what’s coming, and wasting your time with a megaphone doesn’t get it with me. Oh and tatted up, green haired, minimum wage millenials ordering people who have lived their life isn’t going to listen to what you have to say. They wait for you at the door – I have my spurs on ready for the green haired monsters. The worse of the worse IMHO is Trader Joes. I avoid that store altogether. Carry on, RESIST!!

  12. As Dan Bongino says: “It’s not the first person who gets up to dance that makes the difference, it’s the SECOND person who gets up to dance !” Think how great it would have been if a second person joined him, then another, and another…

  13. From the Free Zone of Florida I can still proudly say that I HAVE NEVER HAD A MASK ON, NOT ONCE. Load of commie crap. Never cede liberty for convenience. Gheesh. People are bleating sheep, then want everyone else to understand their plight……ummmm, Quit ceding your God given rights.


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