They’re doing it again: New ABC / WaPo Poll Shows Drop In Trump Favorabilty Through Aggressive “Oversamples” – IOTW Report

They’re doing it again: New ABC / WaPo Poll Shows Drop In Trump Favorabilty Through Aggressive “Oversamples”

ZeroHedge: In the month leaded up to the election on November 8th, we repeatedly demonstrated how the mainstream media polls from the likes of ABC/Washington Post, CNN and Reuters repeatedly manipulated their poll samples to engineer their desired results, namely a large Hillary Clinton lead (see “New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through ‘Oversamples’” and “ABC/Wapo Effectively Admit To Poll Tampering As Hillary’s “Lead” Shrinks To 2-Points“).  In fact, just 16 days prior to the election an ABC/Wapo poll showed a 12-point lead for Hillary, a result that obviously turned out to be embarrassingly wrong for the pollsters.

But, proving they still got it, ABC/Washington Post and CNN are out with a pair of polls on Trump’s favorability this morning that sport some of the most egregious “oversamples” we’ve seen.  The ABC/Wapo poll showed an 8-point sampling margin for Democrats with only 23% of the results taken from Republicans…  MORE

13 Comments on They’re doing it again: New ABC / WaPo Poll Shows Drop In Trump Favorabilty Through Aggressive “Oversamples”

  1. They are leftist propaganda outlets. Fake news and fake polls are what they do. Spread the word to everyone you know at every opportunity. Perhaps people will start seeing them for what they are and stop watching theit bullshit channels and giving any credence to their fake news,

  2. Gotta get in their licks while they still can. Although not fast enough, they’re all going down the drain. TFB ass holes. Even the Times announced imminent belt tightening (3 failure notices from the NYTs in 1 month!). But not to worry, Pravda and Havana Times are hiring.

  3. CNN is total junk. ABC has dragged down the Disney empire, including ESPN. When you see
    A group of struggling, drowning people it’s hard to determine who is pulling who under.
    Irrelevant and wrong and your mind tricks don’t rise to the Jedi level. Better luck next week when you report Trump approval at 35% and obama at 85%.

  4. We need to get all of the media leaders on the right unified and calling for a boycott of the mainstream media. Call for a boycott over and over again on every like-minded radio and news show.

  5. This morning on abc the banner had headline after headline bashing Trump. I hope Trump and the new justice dept destroys the lying, corrupt, criminal media and they all end up on skid row. Sue them for fraud, collusion to defraud the public, corruption whatever it takes. Jail them. Bust their bank accounts. Enough is enough! That would be true karma.

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