They’re Heeere! – IOTW Report

They’re Heeere!


Just in time for the November election, the 2017 rates for Obamacare premiums have been released for most states.  Let’s just say that it sucks to be you if you live in Arizona, Minnesota,  Oklahoma or Tennessee and still have Obamacare.


5 Comments on They’re Heeere!

  1. Yeah, remember the good old days when we were smart enough to land men on the moon and now we have the bad new days when we are not smart enough to leave a good health system alone and to elect Bammy OBammy to two terms and have old ugly, putrid, dishonest, lying grifter Clinton in the wings!!

  2. Suck it Barry, Lazlo abides in AZ.
    Not only will I not buy your stupid insurance, I put a curse on every dollar of the fine, that it may find its way into the hands of golf ball saboteurs and ne’er do well weathermen that ruin every one of your golf outings for the rest of your life.

  3. Impeccable timing…right before the election in two weeks. Again, yet another reminder of the two candidate’s positions, Shillary whats to put ACA on steriods with even higher price tags. and Trump wants to scrap it and implement his excellent ideas, open markets, open pharmaceutical orderings from outside the US…lower rates.

  4. I have individual healthcare through Anthem Blue Cross in CA. When 0bamacare was forced on me at the beginning of 2014 I just accepted the rollover, the Bronze plan which was the minimum I could have without having to pay the penalty, I mean tax. Over the 4 years from my pre-0bamacare to the 2017 renewal my monthly cost has gone up 112%. And my deductible has gone up about the same.
    One of the worst things about 0bamacare (although there are so many) is that while it gives ‘free’ healthcare to the poor the out-of-pocket costs make it far more expensive than what was available to them previously, so they often don’t use it. But they are counted as covered, as far as 0bama is concerned.

  5. Getting health insurance is one thing, getting health care is quite another. When the libs talk about obamacare, listen closely. The talk about the coverage and not so much the care.

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