They’re Here! UFO’s Are Real – IOTW Report

They’re Here! UFO’s Are Real


UFOs sightings have left witnesses with radiation burns, brain damage and ‘perceived time suspension’, according to interviews in newly released Pentagon report from 2010.

  • The physiological effects were compiled in a 2010 report that was just released
  • They include serious ailments like burns, paralysis, pain, rashes and amnesia
  • Other effects include heat, sexual encounters and claimed ESP development 
  • The report is part of a trove of documents related by the Pentagon’s now-defunct Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, which studied UFOs
  • The existence of the program was revealed by its former leader back in 2017 

US intelligence officials have evidence that UFO sightings have lead to adverse health effects like radiation burns, paralysis and even brain damage, according to a newly released report from a shadowy Pentagon program that closed in 2012. 

The study classifies different types of encounters with unidentified objects, including ones accompanied by sightings of ghosts, yetis or spirits and others that result in injury, death and even ‘permanent healing.’  

It also includes a summary of UFO-induced effects that was compiled by a private nonprofit in 1996, ranging from the most common one – abduction – to paralysis, eye injuries, electrical shocks and even sexual encounters.


ht/ all too much

35 Comments on They’re Here! UFO’s Are Real

  1. Right!

    Hunter’s laptop is barfing out E-mails & Porn and suddenly we have proof of UFO’s

    I will take my Proof in a bottle of Kentucky Straight B 4 I believe this shit.

  2. I think this was an Outer Limits episode. BiteMe administration will create an alien invasion as an October surprise to take everyone’s mind off all its failures, in an attempt to throw the election

  3. ” … according to interviews” …. wtf????
    this sounds like the typical ‘journalism’ crap … ‘according to sources’, ‘according to witnesses’, ‘according to informants’, ‘according to people familiar within the White House’

    so, if I ‘interview’ you & you claim to be anally probed by Aliens on a trip to Uranus, I should believe you?

    been binge watching the ‘X-Files’ again, haven’t you?

  4. News Of The World accurately reported that Princess Diana had been anally and vaginally probed by creepy Mantis-headed aliens in 1983. Prince Harry is the result of that encounter.

    Experts are not sure which of the Princess’s orifices produced Harry.

  5. Anyone, legal or otherwise that has been harmed by any UFO may apply for compensation from the U.S. government, (American tax payers).

    White people need not apply.

  6. Like we didn’t have enough trouble with this usurping traitorous pedophile in the White Hut doing everything imaginable to destroy this once-great country?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. They are not alien, they are demonic. They are not intergalactic as they would have you suppose, but they are interdimensional instead. They pop out and pop in. They defy physics as only a spiritual being could and not an intergalactic being. Also, and more importantly, the only way to contact these beings is the same way as one would attempt to contact a demonic spirit. If they are so advanced, couldn’t they just send a text message, or some kind of signal. Why does it always involve meditation and chanting, as one would invoke a demon?

    They are not what they are appearing to be, which is the first rule of evil: Deflection.

  8. So they are saying that “aliens” came out millions of light years just to randomly show up on cameras and only to certain people?
    What was the purpose? Playing hide an seek?
    Or maybe, just maybe some people exaggerate, others make up stuff, and some even in the gov have an agenda behind this?
    Too obvious.


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