They’re insane – IOTW Report

They’re insane

5 Comments on They’re insane

  1. The House Judiciary Committee is going after Kavanaugh for perjury. Blasey-Ford is presenting awards for Sports Illustrated. The Left never backs down when there is no risk to doubling down.

  2. I’m almost tempted to join twitter just to get kicked off with my first and only statement. There’s few things more fun than offending the left’s sensibilities.

  3. The leftist democrats all share common characteristics. They have a very naive and childish view of the world and just like spoiled children are prone to tantrums when they don’t get their way. They are also dilettante’s that form strong opinions without full understanding of a subject. All have the insufferable delusion of moral superiority.
    Summed up all this makes them a tough nut to crack.


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