They’re Makings Odds For When Trump Is Impeached – IOTW Report

They’re Makings Odds For When Trump Is Impeached

Looks like the odds makers are favoring the president will be impeached sometime this year.




33 Comments on They’re Makings Odds For When Trump Is Impeached

  1. “Why am I not up by 50 points, you may ask?”

    UK bookies will open a bet on almost anything. House odds. Great business. It’s not a predictor of anything.
    They’ll open a calendar pool on SMOD if the demand is there.

    And the Leftist corporate media continues to alienate all but the hard core Lefties.

    Who watches CNN during the day? Unemployed. You’d think advertisers would wake up.


  2. Either he delivers what he promised and his base sticks with him and he is untouchable… or he does not deliver and goes sideways by deferring to his idiot daughter on the phony-baloney Global Warming nonsense and paid family leave and he is toast. Those are his choices.

  3. “Why am I not up by 50 points, you may ask?”

    UK bookies will open a bet on almost anything. House odds. Great business. It’s not a predictor of anything.
    They’ll open a calendar pool on SMOD if the demand is there.

    And the Leftist corporate media continues to alienate all but the hard core Lefties.

    Who watches CNN during the day? Unemployed. You’d think advertisers would wake up.


  4. “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” The swamp fights back. Republican Justin Amash, has come right out and suggested impeachment. Getting our country back is going to be a very tough fight.

  5. Firing Comey laid open the possibility of Trump investigating the Obama/Clinton/Media/Corporate cabal for eight years of criminal wrong-doing. It’s now a war and Trump is losing.

    Who didn’t think they’d fight back if he actually moved to drain the swamp?

  6. I suggest the Left and the Deep State not listen to Soros’ bookies or any of his minions. You trigger 1776, and all of you, including Soros, will not survive. There will be nowhere on Earth, underneath Earth or above it you will be able to hide.

  7. They don’t have the votes to impeach. And they never will.
    This is just empty smoke and mirrors. Like the fake polls on Nov 07 that showed Hilary sweeping all 50 states on a 98% landslide.

    The lying MSM will propagandize to the last.
    It signifies nothing.

  8. Note that the impeachment odds are a sucker’s bet. The house is never going to have to pay this off. To impeach the president means a majority of the house approves the measure then go back to their districts and explain their vote to their constituents.

  9. DaveVA

    There’s NO way he can DELIVER when he is being obstructed. The deep state has just postponed/stopped his agenda indefinitely. That was their plan from the get.

  10. 1. The current freakout is nothing more than that. It is a symptom of the Left collapsing, noisily as a building does when it falls.
    2. The only possibility of Trump being impeached is if Congress becomes Democrat majority.
    3. If people are putting actual money up that Trump will be impeached I would love to get some of that action.

  11. These leftists are living in a literal delusion. They have created this false narrative (meaning, made up story) and have been living in it 24/7.

    Now they are creating these elaborate side stories in this make-believe world and are now fantasizing what would happen if Trump actually did these made up things and was impeached.

  12. If Trump is ousted that will mean any hope of getting the country back is lost. At that point, the future will not be decided by ballots. Then we will see just how much conviction the left has, when they see the butchers bill.

  13. @organgrinder May 17, 2017 at 3:06 pm

    If Trump is removed before 2020, Pence becomes President. How many self-described patriots will roll out of their recliners to wreck the Pence revival? How many, who even bothered to put their shoes on, will take to the streets when the now President of The United States, Michael Pence, “asks” them to stand down and obey?

  14. BB, I agree with what you said. Where he loses it for me is putting family members at the table. I did not vote for Invanka & Hubby. If they want to be advisors, fine, but I see them at the table, meeting with Merkel or touring the ME, not cool with me.

  15. DaveVA

    We didn’t vote for Bannon either. Having said that I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. I would imagine when DJT was running Trump international she was a good sounding board. All I know is the Deep State keeps this shit up it’s going to be a long un productive 4 years for the American working class.

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