They’re not even hiding it… – IOTW Report

They’re not even hiding it…

7 Comments on They’re not even hiding it…

  1. Maybe “Ministry of Truth” is what he’d call it but what it would actually be under his kind of govt is a “Ministry of What We Insist You Believe, OR ELSE.”

  2. That right there is what has them so hell bent on disarming the population. It would have been a done deal by now if it weren’t for the Second Amendment. There isn’t a single fucking one of the worthless pieces of subhuman shit that is in any way, shape or form the least bit sincere about what motivates them.

  3. What is it about leftists and their annoying habit of trodding out old tired failures and thinking they are still relevant? I’m surprised they haven’t tried to recycle Charlie Rangle or Barney Frank.


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