“They’re Training A.I. to Lie” – IOTW Report

“They’re Training A.I. to Lie”


Twitter owner Elon Musk didn’t mince words about the major threat that the explosion of artificial intelligence technology poses to society. He also blew the lid off the true severity of the government’s access to Twitter users’ data.

“What is happening is that they’re training the AI to lie,” Musk told Fox News host Tucker Carlson during the Apr. 17 edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight. He said that AI was being trained to “either comment on some things, not comment on other things, but not to say what the data actually demands that it say.” More

7 Comments on “They’re Training A.I. to Lie”

  1. HAL was the first AI liar. You’d better watch out for androids and other AI robots that can read lips. Cone of silence anyone from Get Smart. Or assume and anticipate what you might be thinking to yourself. How do we know that Siri, Alexa and other smart electronic devices aren’t already guided by AI and spying on everything we say and do.

  2. I’m not sure what to think of Elon Musk. I was aware of him but not very interested pre-twitter purchase… Thought he was pretty smart to game the gov’t subsidies and incentives for his EV business but figured him for a lib. Since the twitter purchase/files/reorganizing/revaluing, I think maybe he’s a really bright, really bored guy looking for a challenge.

    So, why did he date Amber Heard and WTF did they talk about? I know, not a lot of talking… So, explain Grimes. And the rest of his train wreck of a personal life.

    Maybe Elon Musk IS artificial intelligence.


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