They’re Watching – Footage of the Imam Shooting Emerges – IOTW Report

They’re Watching – Footage of the Imam Shooting Emerges

Meanwhile, cops arrest 35 year-old suspect, from Ozone Park, NY, after he rams their car.

14 Comments on They’re Watching – Footage of the Imam Shooting Emerges

  1. Must be a white Arab suspect. Emphasis on white of course.

    If the Imam wanted peace he wasn’t Pisslamic enough for someone hence his execution.
    It’s a hate crime when a Moslem kills a Moslem but a not hate crime when a Moslem rapes, sodomizes, terrorizes and urinates on a Christian 5 year old. However, it’s a hate crime to mention the rapist’s refugee status, religion and country of origin.

    Allahu fubar and to Hell with Mohammed’s followers.

  2. Starting to look like a Latino gang assassination.
    The Muzzies have been siding with the black gangs and giving them financial aid, and maybe even weapons.
    They must realize that doing so opens them up to reprisal by competing gangs.

  3. @JohnS

    Yep. Viva Electra vibrance…

    “…He has gotten to know some of his neighbors living along the route, families in the brick and clapboard homes of Ozone Park, Queens. Many of them are Muslim, he said, and had come from Bangladesh, as he did. But he pointed out homes belonging to Catholics, and just next door to the mosque, he said, was a Hindu family…”

    Note how they talk around it by saying “Catholics” instead of latinos.

  4. “They must realize that doing so opens them up to reprisal by competing gangs.”

    So, the latino gangs are gonna solve the muslim problem for us?

    Or, ohmygosh! Now it’s a religous war?

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