Thieves Steal Mis-marked Pills That Give Another Kind of Relief – IOTW Report

Thieves Steal Mis-marked Pills That Give Another Kind of Relief

Peter Hans Emery broke into a neighbors medicine lock box and took a number of pills from the bottle marked “Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen.” Caught on camera, Emery admitted to throwing the pills away after discovering they didn’t trigger the kind of reaction he had expected. More 

19 Comments on Thieves Steal Mis-marked Pills That Give Another Kind of Relief

  1. When arrested the perp looked extremely gaunt and exhausted. Additional charges have been lodged for vandalism after the patrol officer inspected the prowl cars rear seat.

  2. Ummm…. What laxative looks like hydrocodone? One would think that yet another “Florida man” does not even know what he is stealing.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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