Thieves Taught Not to Mess with a Wisconsin Man’s Snowblower – IOTW Report

Thieves Taught Not to Mess with a Wisconsin Man’s Snowblower

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A Madison man was arrested Monday night after police said he intentionally T-boned a vehicle, injuring two people who allegedly stole his snow blower.

Madison Police Department Public Information Officer Stephanie Fryer said a man and woman took the snow blower from the man’s garage at his home in the 300 block of South Walbridge Street around 10:30 p.m. Monday. The 29-year-old man, who had been a victim of another recent burglary, saw the theft happening and followed them in his truck.

He then crashed into them in the 4300 block of Milwaukee Street, police said. Both of the alleged burglars were taken to a hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. More

14 Comments on Thieves Taught Not to Mess with a Wisconsin Man’s Snowblower

  1. There is an old saying in the legal community,” Justice delayed is justice denied”. Somebody stole from him and he took care of business, what’s the problem? Ask for a jury trial, then initiate a civil action against the burglars for emotional distress.

    If I was the Sheriff of any county, anywhere, I would posse comitatus all citizens on my first day. Then if anyone witnessed a crime in action they can dispense justice on the spot. You in a store and you see a shoplifter in action, take off his head with whatever object is handy at the time, OK with me.

  2. The reason people get to this point is because it most areas they don’t bother to do anymore than take a report, but never really look for the thieves. Then if the thieves are handed to them on a silver platter, some judge gives them a fine and time served or probation.
    There is no deterrent for stealing anymore, until they steal or attempt to steal from the wrong person and then more often than not they attempt to prosecute the person defending their property. In my state for the most part the cops and DAs will leave you alone if it’s at your home, not always the case though if it’s your place of business in some counties. The families though the majority of the time come out crying that nothing in your house was worth a life. Too bad they didn’t tell them that before they took up stealing.

    I despise thieves, everything we have we have worked a lifetime for and we should be able to defend what we have.

  3. Reminds me of a story told by a friend. Happened in the 1960’s, after snow mobiles became popular. His parents ran a Christmas Tree plantation. The snowmobilers would trespass on the property and destroy the young trees under the snow. So his mother went to the local Co-Op store, purchased razor wire and concrete blocks and made a barrier on one of the more popular trails, covered it with snow and dragged branches over it. Then she sat back with her cup of tea and waited.
    After the first few days, there were no more snowmobilers ignoring the the NO Trespassing signs and the Christmas tree seedlings were OK.

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