Things I care about more than the Oscars… – IOTW Report

Things I care about more than the Oscars…

-Global Warming

-Protecting preferred pronouns

-The delta smelt

And I don’t give a sh*t about any of these things.

42 Comments on Things I care about more than the Oscars…

  1. The number of cracks in the sidewalk.

    If I can really make a gazillion $ sitting on my a$$ at home

    The opinion of any celebrity when it comes to political issues or buying gold to save my portfolio

  2. I care more about the grotesquely long ear hair that some old dude was sporting at the supermarket.
    I’ve been wondering why he doesn’t see it. Maybe he’s going for the record??

  3. Do frogs have waterproof assholes?

    Who has seen the wind?

    Is a Duracell battery better than an Eveready with the 9 lives crinkle-tail cat?

    All of these questions, and millions more, are more important than the Oscars.

  4. Pollen smearing on my windshield.
    Moss growing in my lawn.
    The color of dirt.
    A broken fingernail.
    How to keep my dishwasher clean.
    Ring around the collar.
    Green fuzz growing on unknown leftovers in my fridge.
    Squirrels with Raccoon worm symptoms.
    Smelly, dry sink traps after a long trip.

  5. “I care more about the grotesquely long ear hair that some old dude was sporting at the supermarket.”

    Had an old short professor who….no lie…..combed his white nose hairs into his beard and mustache hairs.

  6. Things I care about more than tonight’s Douche Parade, AKA Oscars:

    The collection and storage of belly button lint

    The price of a 1/2 pound of sand

    The inedible parts of a pufferfish

  7. I get it-but I still like to see what everyone is wearing. Sadly, there are usually only a few that still sparkle like golden age Hollywood stars, with pretty make up, hair and a beautiful dress. I don’t recognize most of them now.

  8. I care MOAR about the stuff that collects under my toenails … until Denzel Smith walked up on stage and smacked Denzel Rock in the face. That was a special moment. Thanks for sharing it BFH.

  9. @Brad I don’t actually watch it anymore. I go to the Daily Mail, they have the best pics. My mom and I always enjoyed the red carpet.

    (Nice sweats. Who dresses you?😉)

  10. I actually care whether or not Towlie is dead. It’s been a long time since anyone has heard about him.

    On the up side in valley news, JACKIE!!!!!!!!!!

    He just got arrested for robbin a bank, stealin a car and leading the Po-po on a high speed off road chase.

    Everyone needs a hobby I guess.

  11. I don’t care about the Oscar’s either, but watching the idiocy and drama, created by the most woke, stupid, pompous and narcissistic people on Earth is very entertaining. Especially, this Academy Awards when henpecked Will Smith slapped quick-witted Chris Rock pretty hard for telling a G-rated joke about Smith’s harpy, bald headed wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith.
    Looked real. LOL! Hope Chris Rock sues the bastard, who also won Best Actor. Typical.
    Somehow, Hollywood will still insist black on black crime doesn’t exist. Irony – once again lost on the left.

  12. The fug?

    I’m talking about Towlie. The worlds greatest Juggalo. Who is now missing, presumed dead.

    Also, Jack. The kid who grew up to rob a bank….for some….inexplicable…..but soon to be revealed reason why. My money is on “gurl trubble”.

    People always ask me why I hang out with the lower classes. This is why. Stuff happens. All the time. It’s interesting. I don’t want to hear about some boring white collar job or your kids baseball team.

    Every day with these people it’s tears and door slamming, squealing tires and angry ex’s calling the cops. Gunfire. Cartman sleeping under my truck to avoid the cops. Things get set on fire.

    And then I go play golf with some doughy fat cats and listen to their rich people problems.

    No comparison.

  13. Roaches’ sex lives are a lot more interesting than the Oscar’s. Did you know that female roaches are hatched with fertilized eggs? When you see roaches fuck, the male is fertilizing the female’s eggs. That’s messed up.

  14. @ Illustr8, I have to admit, I’m with you. I do like to see their fancy outfits and different styles and whatnot. Also agree that taste has declined and some are in a race to the bottom when it comes to who can be the most grotesque.

  15. Remember folks, you can have sex with Will Smith’s wife, but just don’t make fun of her bald head, or then Will will slap the shit out of you. I think that slap was the signal for the full niggerfication of the Oscars, which, ironically, is an improvement because it beats the normal parade of faggotry that goes on.


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