Things more popular than Nancy Pelosi – IOTW Report

Things more popular than Nancy Pelosi

“We may like Nancy Pelosi in the Bay Area, but America doesn’t,” the reporter said.

40 Comments on Things more popular than Nancy Pelosi

  1. Things more popular than Nancy Pelosi:

    Coming home after a weekend out of town and finding that a raccoon had come down your chimney and then searched everywhere for a way to get out again.

  2. Waking up after a two-week drunken binge between Hillary Clinton and Joy Behar with hair in your teeth and a sickening odor permeating the room.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. More popular than a pile of Pelosi: unrelenting explosive diarrhea, a ‘Marathon Man’ dentist, Bill Cosby, a month long migraine, stepping in a cat hairball while barefoot.

  4. jock itch, crotch rot, swamp ass, trench mouth, toe fungus, chiggers, scabies, the heartbreak of psoriasis, e d, foreskin cheese, toe cheese, pus prick, hemorrhoids, anal leakage, poison ivy asshole, poking yourself in the eye, getting hit in the head w/ a lawn dart, sitting on knitting needles … points up, shaking hands w/ the devil, being in front of Kim Jong Un at the dessert line, getting your head wedged up the ass of Rosie O’Donnell … … yes, there is video … if you dare!

    so many things …. so little time

  5. Arriving home with a full bladder, running in to relieve, finding you just stepped in & tracked dogshit through the house…is more popular than Nanny Pee.
    At least there was relief….

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