Things Southerners Say When You’re Single – IOTW Report

Things Southerners Say When You’re Single

There are basically two types of people in the South: the singles and the matchmakers.

12 Comments on Things Southerners Say When You’re Single

  1. I don’t have anyone trying to fix me up right now but I’ll share this.

    Other things I’ve learned Southerners say.

    1. How much y’all give (pay) for that there _______? (truck, boat, rifle)

    2. What church y’all go to? (there’s no other religion in the south ‘cept the baptists)

    3. He needed killin’

    4. At the funeral: Paw-Paw leave you anything good?

    5. Cuzzin’s are fer practicin’ on. (overheard in a roadhouse)

    In all honestly though, it sure beats where I used to live and I apologize for the hack politicians we’ve sent to DC.

    Dum spiro spero

  2. None of those people sound like Southerners or southern idiomatic expressions.

    I’m used to it as our local station even misspelled “y’all” a few weeks ago but still. Damn.

    I’m fairly triggered.

  3. I’m a southerner and have heard almost every one of the above. The valley between two hills was a “holler” and things not near were “over yonder”. Get in trouble? Mama’d tell us to “go cut me a switch”. Talking about a dumb guy? “He ain’t got sense enough to pour piss out of a boot”. And we really did live out in the “sticks” on a dirt road with so many ruts that the school bus would get stuck and we’d have to pile out and walk home.

  4. Cheryl, “go cut me a switch” made it at least to Nebraska where my grandma taught it to my Mom who used to say it to us kids (in Seattle).

    She said it to me once and I went outside and cut her a nice branch with my little pocket knife and brought it back in. As I bent over properly waiting to be struck, she burst out laughing and couldn’t do it.

    “Are you going to that again?” (big smile).

    “No, Ma’am!” (big smile and a big hug!)

    Best punishment I ever received.

  5. The go cut me a switch statement was also heard way out west. My American grandma was from Texas. My Greek grandma had a Greek version of ‘cut me a switch’, too. 🤣 I wasn’t a bad kid- just a little stubborn. I don’t recall getting smacked with a switch but 2 or 3 times in the legs for coming home too late for nap time.

    I haaaaaated nap time. Uggggghhhh


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