Things That Became Obsolete Since 2000 – IOTW Report

Things That Became Obsolete Since 2000

30 Comments on Things That Became Obsolete Since 2000

  1. Could have sworn Polaroid was bought out or re-branded and they have a Polaroid Now camera that works like the original. Remember seeing one a couple of years ago, since I do watch some photography channels on YT.

  2. “Things That Became Obsolete Since 2000”

    Common sense.
    Keeping your word.
    The American way.
    Sanctity of life.
    The Ten Commandments.
    The Constitution.
    Civil Society.

  3. The disturbing thing is that many of these obsolete technologies were introduced, then widely used, then became obsolete during my working career. Our office had a Wang computer system that costs 10s of thousands of dollars and had less power than a Chromebook, and we moved from IBM Selectrics to word processing. We rented one of the first generation fax machines from FedEx – fax machines switched from thermal paper to regular paper and then went the way of the dodo.

    I feel old. I guess I am old.

  4. Wyatt
    “I feel old. I guess I am old.” Fuck that pal. Just some arbitrary number. I’ll probably die on a machine shop floor. Mainly by choice. But if I ever do retire I’ma gonna throw my cell phone like a damn frisbie and never look back.

  5. The Hippocratic Oath.

    Curative medicine.

    Drugs that actually work.

    Psychiatric car meant to cure mental illness instead of celebrate it.

    Independent medical practices.

    Reporting child rape instead of simply killing the child’s baby and returning the child to the rapist.

    Medicine not used to change presidetial elections.

    Doctors not giving known harmful experimental drugs to children at no risk.

    Doctors refusing to mutilate healthy tissue at the request of mentally ill patients.

  6. Thermal Paper!! I had a fax machine from before that. You had to put your phone into it to hear tones,and this drum spun with this orange transfer gel like paper. Was very weird. One image could take 20 minutes depending on complexity.

  7. I remember 1993 home with one of the babies and I went on internet first time. It was a black screen and I got into Usenet groups or something. There was some game called 3 Demon that I was addicted to for a few weeks that I got by ordering in US Mail that was very cheap. I got some text program that I printed the big manual out from a file on 5 inch disks I’d ordered through Mail. I think that black screen would say it’s sourse was in Luzerne Switzerland?

  8. The paper ballot…

    Too secure, too fair, too simple and kept democrats out of office.
    Just like in the Twilight Zone episode “The Obsolete Man” from 1961…it had to go.

  9. @ Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk January 10, 2023 at 11:27 pm ,

    Heck! I used to repair IBM Selectrics in the DC area…. Mmmmmmmm Washington School for Secretaries!

  10. Community, Christianity, Christians, shame, stupidity, and restraint.

    And how I used to feel when I met the public or preached a sermon or taught the Gospel as a real lifestyle that can be lived.

  11. Writing a check is pretty close to obsolete. I only have to write one or perhaps two a year and as an aside, only having to write in cursive that infrequently has had me give up and now only my signature is in cursive.

  12. mystaclean, we started writing checks again to our church and a couple of other places to avoid paypal.

    One thing that’s disappeared is the secrecy of the existence of the deep state and WEF and such groups.

  13. I still use a dot matrix printer for my work tickets – two part copy to leave the customer for a record.

    I don’t use the internet for TV because I very very rarely watch anything, so I got the converter and a digital antenna for whatever I can grab from the air. Over 35 stations I’m not watching now! lol

    “Thermal Paper!! I had a fax machine from before that. You had to put your phone into it to hear tones,and this drum spun with this orange transfer gel like paper. Was very weird. One image could take 20 minutes depending on complexity.”

    I remember seeing one of those in the very late 70s used in my house by an insurance man. If the line burped for some reason, you were screwed.

    As for thermal paper, if you left it exposed in a sunny window – like a car seat or dash – it was useless.

  14. Anticipation.

    Before instant downloads and amazon prime, I actually enjoyed the time between placing an order and receiving it. I might even do something practical, like get my work or housecleaning done now, so I could sit down and devour the book or album when it arrived.

    Actually, a lot of the stuff in the video have to do with speeding things up and/or taking the mystery out of daily life.

  15. Like many of you, I lived and worked through the 1970’s, ’80’s, etc., through the explosion of technology used in business. I remember the public battle between Apple and IBM/Microsoft over word processing. I didn’t realize it at the time, but many of us were actually learning to program as we created documents — using HTML. If you wanted to get something out quickly you couldn’t send your handwritten draft off to the Word Processing department.

    They didn’t cover it, but another tech that has disappeared since then is the video recording camera. We’ve still got one and the mountain of little video cassettes. That’s something else I need to transfer to disk or storage. We bought ours in 1996.

    I used to be an early adopter of new tech until I figured out that to be the first was to pay too much and get less than V.2, which was introduced almost immediately.

    Almost always the benefit touted most often for tech advancement is its time savings, but I don’t think we’ve made very good use of all that time that we’ve saved.

  16. …you can still buy outboard (USB) CD and disk drives for your drive-less laptops. I had to get the latter in order to read some cool embroidery designs someone gave me. So I can still keep stuff on old disks and use them. I think I paid $10 for it at an office supply. Still, part of the joy of tech is figuring out the work around.


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