Things That Bother Me About Christine Blasey’s Story – IOTW Report

Things That Bother Me About Christine Blasey’s Story

I’m sure lots of this has been said by others, but I’m compelled to write them down.

None of this is “evidence,” it’s just stuff that does not sit right. (In another life I would have loved to have been Columbo. Just not with the glass eye.)

-Blasey wouldn’t give up her therapist’s notes to the committee.

-Her timeline has shifted many times. She first claimed to be in her late teens when she was assaulted, and it was sometime in the mid 80s. Now she claims she was 15 and it was 1982.

-She’s changed the lineup of people attending the party several times.

-She says she now knows that she had to be 15 when she attended the party because she knows she didn’t drive there, and once she got her license she drove herself around exclusively. But she doesn’t remember how she got there or got home. So, how would she know she didn’t drive there?

-She doesn’t know whose house it was, or who was hosting the party.

-She remembers she drank one beer. How? Why?

-She had to have asked someone, presumably the host, where the bathroom was because she was unfamiliar with the house. This was a small get together. When I was a teen and I had 5 or 6 other teens over the house, when one went upstairs, alone, I was aware that they were up there. I would notice that they never returned to the party.

-Christine said she could hear her attackers “pin balling” off the walls on the way down the stairs, they were that drunk. But they were ninja-like following her up the stairs. Able to completely ambush her in front of a bedroom door.

-Christine says the party was mundane downstairs. No music. She says her attackers turned the music that was on in the bedroom way up in order to drown out her screams. That is some pretty loud music. And no one in the mundane atmosphere downstairs went upstairs where the loud music was?

-Christine says the attacker covered her mouth to muffle her screams, yet when she finally broke free she never once screamed. (I actually had a moron on some site say that it made sense that she didn’t scream because she might have not wanted to be thought of as a prude or not cool. When I pointed out that she said her mouth was covered because she already started to scream I suggested that this person contact their cable service and delete their account because they are too stupid to have online commenting privileges.)

-Christine said one of the attackers jumped on the bed so forcefully three people fell to the bedroom floor. Still no one downstairs at the snoozefest was interested in all the excitement. She said they were “laughing maniacally.” Still, no one was curious about the fantastic sounding party upstairs.

-Christine has changed her story about what she could hear from the bathroom. She once said she heard conversation downstairs and that’s when she knew she could safely exit the house. Realizing this was a huge error (if she could hear a conversation downstairs, surely they could hear what was happening upstairs) she changed her story and said she “assumed they were talking downstairs.”?????

-Why would Christine run to a bathroom? In a strange house I have problems figuring out where the bathroom is, often opening up a closet door, or a bedroom. In a panic I think I’d hightail it toward a known route, like the stairs, back to the party.

-She says she left the party, leaving her best friend alone with boys that tried to rape her, and never alerted anyone.

-The people at the party never wondered where Christine went? The host that told her where the bathroom was never wondered if she was alright? A person disappearing from a party, who doesn’t have a car, is the kind of thing that kids at a party would make into a big deal, even if only to juice up the party with a mystery. Kids are like that.

-She doesn’t remember how she got home. Trust me, the person who eventually got her into a car would be a savior, and you’d remember who that was. She doesn’t remember because it’s not believable that prior to cell phones she found a phone booth in the middle of suburbia. How would she not remember knocking on someone’s door to use the phone?

-Your “ride” options are very limited when you’re 15. It’s usually a parent. They would wonder why they were picking up their daughter in the middle of nowhere. If she concocted a cover story she would remember doing that.

-About 6 weeks after an attempted rape, one of the worst and frightening experiences of her life, an event that led to a lifetime of therapy and phobias, she says she split from her mother in a supermarket parking lot and entered on the other side, alone, because it’s embarrassing to be with your mother at that age.


I can only imagine that a girl this traumatized, one with rape PTSD, would want to stick close to her mother, adolescent embarrassment be damned.

-She says she ran into one of the attackers at the supermarket that day. He was working as a bag boy. She didn’t panic or run. She said, “hello.” (I think she made up the story about using a different door than the mom so that no one could ask her if she remembers running into a friend of Christine’s that worked at the store.)

-Her immediate family have not signed the letter vouching for her character and integrity. All of the signers seem to be on her in-law side.

-The therapist notes never mention an attacker by name.

– No one, not one person, has come forward to say they remember this party, offered to help narrow down where it could have been, or remembers giving her either a ride to a party, or picking her up from one. She is alone in this, except for a husband who claims she mentioned the name of the accused years ago. But that is not corroborated either.

-She mentioned something about receiving medical treatment. So far no one has asked her to expand upon this.

I will add to this list as time goes by.

Feel free to drop your observations in the comments.

45 Comments on Things That Bother Me About Christine Blasey’s Story

  1. Why would two boys be jumping on the bed? How does that even make a lick of sense? If you’re going to rape a girl, even if it’s both of you going to rape a girl, one is going to do the raping, the other waiting his turn. Not one jumping on top of another one. If there is even one ounce of truth to this story, such as she used an experience to concoct it, it wasn’t anyone trying to rape her.
    It sounds more like two boys horsing around or one boy upstairs making out with a girl and the friend comes in to be an ass and break it up.

  2. Agreed ORWW,
    If anything happened to her, it wasn’t Kavanaugh and it was only horseplay.
    A guy got fresh and grabby with her, she rebuffed him and left.
    Definitely not enough to scar someone for life.

    I want to know how many illegals who have assaulted women are set free in sanctuary cities?
    Nope, can’t call ICE, we’re a SANCTUARY!

  3. I’m not convinced it was a safeway at that point in time.
    But this, too, for me-

    Michell was asking ford about her lawyers.
    She was asked if she had talked with anyone about her case, other than her lawyers, before she had retained the lawyers. ford replied that she had talked to no one other than her lawyers. She was then asked how she decided to retain a lawyer. She said she did a lot of thinking and also the people she talked to all said she should get a lawyer.
    That little stumble took place during Mitchell’s questioning, and over the course of less than 3, and certainly no more than 5 minutes. But her acting got her past that as well as others. A hair flip and a girly wiggle and on she goes. Nor is that singular. It is poorly crafted scenario that wasn’t supposed to go this far. Kavanaugh was expected to just crumble.
    How her lawyers were recommended is another story, but it is late. feinstein will help us with that one- maybe right after she explains the leak. If it can be proven she did leak ford’s story, she will be expelled under a rule that was instituted during the anita hill fiasco.
    There is literally enough here to write a book. And then throw it at them.
    And I have read that the fib investigation could conclude as early as Monday morning.

  4. Didn’t she live in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase area? Or was that where the party was said to be? Just wondering, because (the Safeway in) Potomac is not near Chevy Chase. If the party was in Chevy Chase and she lived closer to Potomac, then how she got home is a big question because the two aren’t that close. They’re not super *far* apart, either, but walking from B-CC to Potomac is a bit of a hike, especially when you’re 15.

    Also, people keep using that chance meeting with Judge at his bag boy job at Safeway as evidence she is being truthful about the timeline, when she could have just read in his book that he worked there. It was information available to the public, so her using it isn’t proving anything.

  5. @toby miles – I think I know what part you’re talking about. I remember seeing that part and a few minutes later, when she’d said she told nobody she was getting a lawyer, was thinking, “Didn’t she just say something about people on the beach having recommended attorneys?

  6. I can’t get past her mannerisms, her voice and her oversized cloudy glasses at the hearing. Those glasses! I zoomed in on them and I swear they look like they’ve been smeared with Vaseline. Are they some sort of medical glasses to maintain a hypnotic trance?

    I was a teen in the 80’s and if any of what she claimed happened i would have eventually told someone. I couldn’t have masked that something was troubling me-my parents would have noticed. If I were assaulted and my BFF was downstairs alone there is no way in hell I’d bolt from the house without taking her with me-and then telling her on the way out the door why we were leaving…” something happened-we gotta go-trust me!” Would we have been brave and knocked on a neighbor’s door a safe distance from the attackers house? Possibly. We’d have called my BFF’s brother to come get us, give us cover for awhile from our parents till we calmed down…So he would remember the incident, the neighbors would remember our knock at the door for help…I do not buy her story at all.

    Why wasn’t her husband/kids at the hearing to show her support? Why was she there all alone? More stagecraft for her little girl lost routine.


  7. I’m Catholic and went to a Catholic all boys school. There’s always a sister all girls school in this case. And there is at Georgetown Prep. Those are the girls you go out with. I cant remember any high status guy at my school going out with a non Catholic girl. And we were located right next store to a public high school that was notorious for slutty girls

    Catholics were a separate tribe back then. I really did separate the world into two groups — Catholics and Publics

    Catholic kids hung with other Catholic their entire lives; were interested in Catholic girls only. Kavanaugh is as Catholic as it gets

    And noone at age 17 takes a romantic interest in a 15 year old. Just too young. For one thing it would lower your status with your peers

  8. #1: Ford’s opening remarks: “Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.”

    A “narrow set of stairs”? A two story house in suburbia with a “narrow set of stairs”? Fictitious “narrow” stairs in a fictitious house. Stairways in houses leading to the second floor would only be narrow if the second floor was converted attic space, in which case the main bathroom would be on the first floor and it is unlikely there would be a bathroom on the second floor. She describes a full bathroom with its own door across from the bedroom, so it is improbable this was converted attic space. There are codes for stairway width in houses for safety reasons.

    #1.5: She was all over the place about what she could and could not hear going on downstairs. She couldn’t hear anyone downstairs in the dwarf house with the small living room and the narrow stairs, but she could actually tell the boys were “pinballing” off the walls of the tiny stairway?

    #2: “This all changed in early July 2018. I saw press reports stating that Brett Kavanaugh was on the “short list” of potential Supreme Court nominees. I thought it was my civic duty to relay the information I had about Mr. Kavanaugh’s conduct so that those considering his potential nomination would know about the assault.”

    Brett Kavanaugh’s name has been in the national media spotlight many times much earlier than July, 2018, as a potential nominee for SCOTUS. Since Ford was so extremely traumatized by him, I believe her awareness of him being mentioned in media reports would be just as sharp, say, two years ago, as it supposedly was in 2018.

    I wish there was a way to input her testimony to some sort of app and out would pop the passages from some teenage bodice-ripping novel. Are we sure her story isn’t from “Fifty Shades of Gray” or the “Twilight” series?

  9. Notice how bleached blonde her hair was in the polygraph photo. She darkened it so not to look like a bimbo. It has a date of Aug 07th, 10:59 When was her Moms funeral?

  10. I’m looking for her on the genealogy sites. Can’t find her parents or perhaps last name spelled wrong, parents deceased? Help if anyone knows.

    I checked Vintage Aerials for the Safeway but it says nothing for Arlington VA area, check back later. Newspapers might have something on the Safeway.

  11. Ford is a fat, democrat communist cow who is lying through her teeth and is a willing participant in this effort to destroy Kavanaugh and preserve the control of the Supreme Court by the democrat communist party. This is all bullshit and she should be charged with perjury. Brave victim coming forward my ass.

  12. Paula Blasey’s Facebook has nothing on it except “seven grandchildren” notation AND photo that appears to be Christine herself in shades and a Maryland shirt. It’s her teeth alright.
    (I’d forgotten about the foreclosure case–so much to remember in these complicated Dem scams!)

  13. They laughed at her.
    That was the key point in her “testimony.”
    Some boys (whether or not Kavanaugh, we’ll never know) played around with her and then laughed at her reaction. And that derisive laughter has propelled her into this dark, demon-infested, hate-filled, nightmare existence which has lurked in the background of her mind until some “therapist” (psychiatrist) brought it to the surface. How much is 15-year-old adolescent weird fantasy and how much was real memory, we also will never know (being unknowable).
    Her hatred of men and her hatred of the “patriarchy” and her hatred of the “system” which fosters those kinds of “boys” is quite real and quite virulent – and her dark fantasy is being played out as a lash against civilization and against anything remotely pure.

    She’s a fuckin head-case.
    Oh, yeah, she’s a fuckin liar, too.
    You can take that to the bank.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. One thing I noticed during her testimony, when asked about her letter to Feinstein and her presumption of confidentiality, she said she expected the letter would remain confidential up until just before the confirmation hearings, then quickly changed that to “forever”.

  15. ” He was on top of me, trying to pull my clothes off. He was unsuccessful because I was still wearing my bathing suit, a one-piece bathing suit.”

    What 15-year-old girl goes diving at the country club all day, then goes to a ‘party’ in a wet bathing suit? I just can’t get that through my head.

    I get so angry watching Fox where the anchor declares “I believe her, I believe something happened to her”

    this girl is nuttier than a pecan tree. And as dumb as a stone I personally think she has no hippocanths that’s why she spoke of it. She’s nothing but a plant. The Democrats evaluated president Pres. Trump list of 25 possibilities. And he Judge Cavanaugh seemed the most to possibly reverse Roe versus Wade.

    I’d like to see every damn Democrat grilled on the floor they are worthless

  16. Yelling rape in a crowded house has sure been good for the vintage 1982 Ford! She has used it to raise almost a million dollars and a mess of public notoriety! She hit the rape lottery big time!

  17. How does a house that has 2 levels only have one bathroom upstairs?
    I’ve lived in a 2 level apartment and a house, in this country and overseas, and each place had at least a half bathroom on the lower floor.
    Even in tropical housing, where the laundry room was beneath the house, had a toilet.

  18. “(In another life I would have loved to have been Columbo. Just not with the glass eye.)”

    And with nicer clothing and a straighter spine. I can’t take watching that guy with that posture sometimes. UGH!

  19. About the narrow stairway- How did the owners get furniture up to the bedroom on the narrow set of stairs? lol

    If someone jumped on the bed and knocked all three people out of it, it must had been a pretty small bed. Did she hit her head somewhere? Were any of them injured? If they were blind drunk, did anyone throw up on the bed or the floor? On her? She said she thought no one would believer her. So why didn’t she take something from the bedroom or bathroom to have proof of where she was at the time of the “assault”? Even if it’s a tooth brush or pill bottles from the medicine cabinet, pull off a cabinet knob, a hairbrush, something.

  20. Her recollection of a night of mutually willing drunken horseplay with a couple of boys became a rape story when she determined, through her now-evil Democrat eyes, that it could be turned into an advantage by falsely deeming it an attempted rape!

  21. I call bullshit, she cannot recall details before, during and after the alleged violent crime. If in fact her allegation were true, she would recall every detail, all of it. Repressive memory syndrome is junk science, itself bullshit and has been utterly discredited.

    I was a victim of a violent crime. Armed robbery. 23 yrs ago, and brother let me tell you I remember all of it, every second of it, in the greatest possible clarity. I remember what I was doing the moment before the crime and definitely moments afterwards.

    This woman’s story has more holes in it than a piece of Swiss cheese. Bullshit. Attempted murder and rape. If true, it would have been seared in her memory for the rest of her life. And I know, been there

  22. Didn’t anyone else notice her Harry Reed moment! She delayed the hearing for a week on the supposition that she was afraid to fly! When that was shot to tatters she smiled and basically admitted: “it worked didn’t it”!

  23. They have a plan . . .

    According to Kavanaugh’s testimony, “Timmy” on his calendar entry refers to Tim Gaudette, a Georgetown Prep classmate. Two other friends who he named as being in attendance on July 1 were Mark Judge and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth.

    That summer, Gaudette’s mother owned a two-story home in Rockville, Md., less than 11 miles from the Columbia Country Club, according to property records.

    Ford also testified Thursday that she had “socialized” around that time with another boy who Kavanaugh said was present at the July 1 gathering, Chris Garrett, referred to on the calendar as “Squi.”

    Tom Kane, who was close friends with Kavanaugh, said that he knew Ford, who he said was dating Garrett at the time.

  24. The get together itself. When did anyone in high school have such a small gathering and everyone not know each other? Her BFF says she didn’t know Kavanaugh. What was the tie? They’d have to each be good friends with the unknown homeowner which should make it easy to identify said person. Sure maybe one person brings a new person but for everyone to not know each other? If you had a group of 10 or less and 3 disappeared the homeowner would probably notice. She mentioned the boys being smashed and also suggested they were going to be having a party later? How were they going to do that if they were already falling down.
    Did she have a purse? One minute she is upstairs, the next she is fleeing the house. Where is her bag/purse?
    She has more information about Judge probably from his book than she does about Kavanaugh.

    Why would Kavanaugh, a guy into multiple sports and hanging out with his friends at 17 want to hang out with a 15 year old he doesn’t even know?!! A kid so careful he keeps a calendar is going to attempt to jump a 15 year old?! No way.

  25. I probably missed it, but why is it so difficult to identify the owner of the house? She stated there were 4 to 5 people attending this small gathering…depending on the version she goes with on that day. She identified everyone there…it had to be one of those kids’ home since common sense tells you kids don’t congregate at a total stranger’s residence. Whittle it down.


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