Things That Never Happened ——- – IOTW Report

Things That Never Happened ——-

Rep. Barbara Lee: “I was walking to the Capitol and a man stopped me, a white guy, and told me ….

30 Comments on Things That Never Happened ——-

  1. …and that was after a guy, a white guy, told her she couldn’t enter the Abortion Clinic….waving a bible in one hand, a confederate naval battle flag in tje otjer, wearing a MAGA hat, yelling “this is MAGA country!”, luckily for her she fended him off with her Subway sandwich!

  2. How many people know that there are members only elevators? How many people know that you wear a pin to show you belong? If you know this information, you probably know the beast belongs there. She has probably waited her whole hateful life for it to happen. Then decided she would use it anyway.
    The answer to her is, most places have a service elevator,so the visitors don’t have ride with the trash.

  3. Pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT.
    Members Only Elevator Operators know the Members by face and by sign.
    (Likewise the Capitol Police)
    Picture booklets are issued which contain a photograph of every Representative and Senator.

    She’s a racist and a liar.

    If that had actually happened, the “white guy” would have been arrested and probably beaten down by the USCP which are stationed by the Members Only Elevators in the Capitol Building. There are also USCP checkpoints (ID checks and metal detectors, &c.) on both sides of the tunnels to the Capitol Building.

    And, there are cameras throughout – so the “incident” would be on video.
    Pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When did you ever meet a black woman who wasn’t a straight up Ho? Undone by her own hubris, corruption, diva status, stupidity and hypocrisy. Annoymutt hardest hit as he watches the hand of The Lord God Almighty smite down the Luciferian hordes one by one with their own sins and stupidity.

    That’s gotta grate on a satanic beta boy….


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