Thinking of changing the name of this street – any suggestions? – IOTW Report

Thinking of changing the name of this street – any suggestions?

ht/ no blushes

89 Comments on Thinking of changing the name of this street – any suggestions?

  1. “Rakeoff Road”. Years ago, I talked to a angry, local Democrat lawyer that knew her family. On a visit to SF he was absolutely scandalized that he was expected to pay baksheesh to say hello to her at her home.

  2. Via President Trump is STILL the President!

    How ya like it now?
    Schitt and Nadler were your “BEST” efforts? Puerile and amateurish.
    Whoa! May be time to re-group.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. All the suggestions are excellent, but here in Fla, there is one name we use to rename most roads, and that is Martin Luther King Drive (or Boulevard). We are proud to honor this great Republican, and I myself live a block off the intersection of two roads, one going east-west, and one going north-south, that when they leave my city, are both called Martin Luther King Drive/Boulevard. (And anyone who objects is racist).

  4. Sorry.
    The first link must find your location via what google knows about you and then zeros the map to that point. It will show the location to whomever clicks the link, but not to anyone else.
    When I click it shows roughly where I live too.
    The second link shows the street corner in Baltimore where the sign is.

  5. willysgoatgruff
    FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AT 5:33 PM
    “Hey Jethro……Why the google maps of where I live?….seriously, I live there….”

    …I live a little South of there, and I never heard of no Nancy Pelosi street. In the People’s Republic of Cinncinnati, sure, and maybe a street leading to The West Chester Weeper’s house, John “I Love Obama” Boehner hiself’s, but north of there usually isn’t that (communist type) red until you get into Dayton proper…


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