Third County in Georgia Finds More Missing Votes, Most for Trump – IOTW Report

Third County in Georgia Finds More Missing Votes, Most for Trump


So that thing that wasn’t supposed to happen even once according to the left has now happened three times.

Now, a third county has found votes that failed to be tabulated previously in the election. Once again, most of them are votes for President Donald Trump.

Overall, they’ve found more than 5,000 missing votes, most for the president. That’s cut Biden’s lead down to 12,929 and continues to wave a big flag as to how everything has been conducted when you find issues like this.


6 Comments on Third County in Georgia Finds More Missing Votes, Most for Trump

  1. Oh the drama. They going to “find” a few thousand more, and get this><close, but darn it, not quite enough.

    And BTW, “an audit of voting machines was completed with no signs of foul play. Voting systems testing company Pro V&V conducted the audit and “found no evidence of the machines being tampered.” I’m sure the machines performed exactly as programmed. More kraken, please.

  2. I can’t find out if these “found” votes had down ballot votes for Perdue. He is so close to having over 50% of the vote and that would eliminate the need for a run off for him in January. We would have the majority in the Senate secured.

  3. Corky, that is what is so scammy about these “finds”. This whole recount defies gravity and common sense, and it’s being conducted in a Trump v. Biden vacuum. I smell a hasty, ramshackle setup by the Georgia Uniparty trying to cover its tracks.

  4. To: White House 11-18-2020, Wednesday

    “Just a Note that the American people are wholly with you during these difficult times of waiting over this next election cycle.

    Daily read a lot of opinions and blogs posted in “reasonable”, social Websites. There is an overwhelming anxiety, depression, prayer and hope by many, many supporters; and, by “newbies” to one of the greatest Blessings Americans have not experienced in generations.

    Just wanted to let you know, that we are always with you during these days of not knowing whether we will be bestowed another four years.

    Some days, I know we will. Other days…just don’t know.

    God Bless,

    [Name Withheld] (and, on behalf of most Americans)”

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