Third Party RFK, jr. Run Will Take Votes from Trump – IOTW Report

Third Party RFK, jr. Run Will Take Votes from Trump


You will notice the Joe Biden percentage of voters (38%) doesn’t change when Robert Kennedy Jr. is added to the equation as a third-party independent candidate.  However, the Trump support drops from 40% to 38%, essentially wiping out the lead that President Trump would hold in a general election over Joe Biden.

Given the intellectually honest assessment that RFK Jr., as an independent run, could never win the general election, it may annoy some people to accept his decision to run as an independent only carries one motive – to reduce the Trump vote.  However, as much as you may not want to accept that reality, the data is clear – and it makes sense. More

28 Comments on Third Party RFK, jr. Run Will Take Votes from Trump

  1. Who in their right mind will vote for Biden, except rigged election machines?? And who might replaced Biden before election times comes? Is anyone planing to sting people planning to rig elections with better monitoring, more cameras and code dumps?? If election cookery isn’t fixed why vote? If our government wants to steal elections who’s going to stop them??? It won’t be the justice department or the FBI, they’re the problem.

  2. Now that’s ALMOST Canuckistan style Politics.

    Everyone piles against the Conservative voters to either steal votes away or in our case Govern with a MINORITY.

    Good luck surviving 1 + 4 more Years of Ferocious Biden stupidity & Corruption.

  3. I don’t buy it. Except for Kennedy’s views on the vaccine and related subjects, he has nothing that most Trump supporters are interested in. While I would vote for Kennedy over another Romney, there is no way I would vote for Kennedy over Trump.

  4. Pathetically sickening…

    Money vs. propaganda vs. stupidity vs. ‘feelings’.

    Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot”.

    Nikita Khrushchev And ‘We Will Take America Without Firing A Shot’ (

  5. I have a hard time believing that, given that RFK Jr. is still a Democrat at his core and the son of a former Democrat President’s brother. He might give some less-insane Democrats a reason not to vote for Biden, but jI don’t see how he could peel votes off of Trump.

  6. rfk will have to run against trump and that will spell more of the same in the minds of independent voters who are fed up with the lying democrats. Kennedy is a Dem in their minds. so, nah

  7. notice the bullet points Zogby (lmao) says that he doesn’t underline?

    ” … Kennedy creates an attrition of support for the incumbent among young voters, Blacks and Hispanics. … take not as this could be fatal in a general election for the Democrats.
    (italics mine)

    besides, the only poll that counts is the one on Election Day … ask Hillary Clinton

  8. I thought and it occurred to me that as bad as the voter fraud is, it won’t fukin’ matter if I vote or not! So until such time as we (if ever) return to voting in person on paper ballots and counting legally…it won’t mean shit when I vote!


  9. TheMule Tuesday, 3 October 2023, 20:39 at 8:39 pm

    Since Trump is pro-abortion, pro-tranny, pro-vax, anti-gun, and pro-Ukraine now, I’m running out of reasons to vote for him.

    You said it! It only took two reasons for me not to vote for him, the faggot loving party (the Pope just joined in approving gay marriage), and Operation Warp Speed. Only difference between the Pope and Trump, one claims to be God on earth, and the other mocks God. Oh how great God’s judgement will be on those who are an abomination and blasphemy to God, and those who participate in it.

  10. I don’t understand why so many people are worrying about Biden’s numbers – Joe Biden will NOT be on the 2024 ballot. I wonder how upset Trump is now that his boy Kevin lost his gavel?


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