JTN: West Virginia and Wyoming are the latest two states to ban ranked-choice voting (RCV), bringing the total number of states prohibiting the election system to 13. The battle over whether to implement or ban RCV has been ongoing for nearly a decade. However, more states have banned RCV or chosen not to use it than have implemented it.
RCV is an election process whereby if no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, then a runoff system is triggered. When voters cast their ballots, they rank each candidate in order of first-to-last.
If no candidate reaches the 50% plus-one vote threshold, then the candidate with the least amount of first-choice votes is eliminated, then second-choice votes from those who voted for the last-place finisher are reallocated among the remaining candidates and tallied – in a process that continues until a candidate receives the majority of the vote. more
Great!! Sadly, my home stat (Colorado) will not be able to remove this demonic abomination because the state geopolitics show that we will remain under the socialism umbrella.
Do I think that CO will get worse before it gets better? Will it be easy to change? NO. Thanks Cali for sending your rabble to the Mile High state. You have moved to one of the best states.
Ranked Choice is an abomination. Colorado is a solid blue, so I do not think we can remove Ranked Choice. We may eventually get there. I will continue to fight. Power to Democracy and Republicanism.
Seems like you could sue that your vote was given to somebody else that you did not vote for.
get rid of that lawyer bullshit
Ranked Choice is simply pre-rigged, legalized corruption that only a democRAT Socialist/Communist would dream up. Like Fuckles the Schumer would say: Ranked Choice gives us six ways to Sunday to steal elections.
BTW… Shouldn’t it be six ways to Saturday for him?
Alaska needs to get rid of it so we can rid ourselves of the treacherous Lisa Murkowski.
And my fair state, WA, continues it’s press for ranked voting. It’s not enough that the massive mail in voter fraud virtually assures that the candidate TPTB want is installed but now they want to take away even the whiff of choice.
Ranked voting is the lip lock on a 1 party state. If anyone in WA has been following the avalanche of legislation this session that is increasing taxes, increasing regulations and eating away at 2A, parents’s rights and the ethical principles of property ownership, than I know your jaw is on the floor.
I think this state is the Bizarro World of states with more people leaving than moving in like CA, CT & IL. It must be prospect of shit like ranked voting that’s drawing them here.
@ 1007: jerk-owski?
It’s an illusion of choice like the voting in the former Soviet Union, where all of the candidates belonged to the same party.
If a law can prohibit it, a law can allow it.