This ad will not sit well with the left – IOTW Report

This ad will not sit well with the left

A political ad says it’s time to get RINO hunting permits.

If a Rino happens to be harmed, you know this guy will be blamed.

25 Comments on This ad will not sit well with the left

  1. I have an 870 just like that one. “Home Defender” model with the shortest legal barrel you can buy and the tube extender. Nothing like the sound of racking a round into that baby.

  2. This is the Farter Swalwell’s tweet and Grieitens’ response.
    BURN!! Swalwell below, Greitens top.

    Eric Greitens
    Did Fang Fang write this?

    Rep. Eric Swalwell
    Let’s place the blame for this violent ad where it belongs, at the doorsteps of Kevin McCarthy & Mitch McConnell. They’ve failed to confront & condemn the MAGA radicals of their party. Now it’s out of control & threatens everyone’s freedom.

  3. Meanwhile, nothing happened to Schumer for saying “you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

    Why don’t we do what the left does and simply start saying Schumer said “you’ll get the bullet you deserve, Kavanaugh”

  4. All the bad people are after this guy. He’s been screwed out of his Governorship by some black female DA that was wrapped in Teflon. All bull shit, she received a strongly worded letter and a pay raise. Now his ex Wife, Carl Rove, and Mitch the Bitch are trying to take him out of the race. His ex wife, by the way, is a political animal. She was employed by some RNC group when he met her. Don Jr backed him. DJT hasn’t yet. He should. And that video he just filmed of the door entry, should be sent to Texas Law Enforcement because that’s how it’s done and it was perfect. Not as easy as it looks. Bottom line I’m now a big fan of this guy.

  5. I’m thinking he might be out of luck if he’s counting on campaign funding support from the National Rino Association. Both the boss and I are feeling better. She’s picked it up a about 3 days ahead of me so she might even go to work tomorrow. I’ve got a couple more days. The Fauci Flu, that guy should be shot!

  6. “…get a Rino hunting permit, there’s no bagging limit and no tagging limit and it doesn’t expire… until you save our country..”

    Just leave it at: “it doesn’t expire” ‘K?


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