25 Comments on This Aged Like Potato Salad in the Sun
I wonder if those 6,331 retweeters are the same folks that send money to Peter Strzok?
He’s like Nostrafatass
what a difference 5 years makes in ‘paradise’ …. shit coming back to bite’cha in your big, fat ass, ain’t it ‘chubby’?
btw, how does someone give ‘free health’?
Lucky for him Leftists have memories like a steel sieve.
The joke is on IOTWReport – Moore was right. Chavez did eliminate the 75% extreme poverty – now the figure is probably above 85%. The Venezuelan people are now healthier due to their mandatory weight loss program. And they’re getting a wonderful education on how socialism really works, as well as being educated on how to cope with sustaining life with no basic necessities.
The real magic trick is how a major oil producer like Venezuela can fuck up an entire nation in such a short time. The answer is socialism – you just can’t buy that type of education.
Not my day.
Two ‘posted too quickly’s.
Followed by ‘you already said that’ and comment isn’t up.
No big deal. It was a throw away about the miserable fat ass. So it doesn’t matter.
I hope he has stock in McDs, or owns a few franchises. One of his shirts should say
“Heart attack in progress” If you see me go down, please call 911 and order the biggest ambulance they have to transport my Fa-Toss to a horsepital
Karl Marx, Castro, Che’, Obama, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover couldn’t be reached for comments
Michael Moore proving that liberals think their voters are idiots. But then moore is an idiot too.
Great title for this post, made me laugh out loud and I’m gonna steal it.
If any Leftist wants to know who the real Nazis are, just look in the mirror. Hitler is known for believing in and using Joseph Goebbels to promote the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”.
They called it the “Big Lie” and today Michael Moore is the “Big Liar” using the same techniques!
All leftists should emigrate to Venezuela.
“They call me Tater Salad”
Oh wait… that wuz Ron White.
Mofo looks like he’s doubled his weight in 5 years – shouldn’t Mooreameoeba be splitting off soon?
But socialism wasn’t “done right” in Venezuela. For all their elite, big brains, the Left can’t seem to find anyone in their ranks who can implement their ideology correctly.
(And that evil capitalism: even when done badly, by a disparate group of know-nothings, still amazes by creating a middle class. It’s one of the longest-running coincidences in history.)
I wonder if those 6,331 retweeters are the same folks that send money to Peter Strzok?
He’s like Nostrafatass
what a difference 5 years makes in ‘paradise’ …. shit coming back to bite’cha in your big, fat ass, ain’t it ‘chubby’?
btw, how does someone give ‘free health’?
Lucky for him Leftists have memories like a steel sieve.
The joke is on IOTWReport – Moore was right. Chavez did eliminate the 75% extreme poverty – now the figure is probably above 85%. The Venezuelan people are now healthier due to their mandatory weight loss program. And they’re getting a wonderful education on how socialism really works, as well as being educated on how to cope with sustaining life with no basic necessities.
The real magic trick is how a major oil producer like Venezuela can fuck up an entire nation in such a short time. The answer is socialism – you just can’t buy that type of education.
Not my day.
Two ‘posted too quickly’s.
Followed by ‘you already said that’ and comment isn’t up.
No big deal. It was a throw away about the miserable fat ass. So it doesn’t matter.
I hope he has stock in McDs, or owns a few franchises. One of his shirts should say
“Heart attack in progress” If you see me go down, please call 911 and order the biggest ambulance they have to transport my Fa-Toss to a horsepital
Karl Marx, Castro, Che’, Obama, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover couldn’t be reached for comments
Pass the potato salad.
Has Michael Moore ever touched a woman’s breast?
… speaking of ‘heart attack in progress’ has anyone seen, or verified this story?
Plutonium Kid, he’s probably more infatuated with his own.
Definitely didn’t see that on MSM.
Molon Labe, we will be hit upside the head with the anniversary of that cows death for the next thirty years.
The MSM want to pin it to Trump so bad.
Bet if you gave him a map showing where to find potato salad he would go look for it.
I declare Michael Moore’s money belongs to the ppl. I’ll use the money to eliminate .075% of extreme poverty, provide free health & education for 4.
He’s a fat head. What do you expect?
Here’s the original tweet – can be quite useful!
Michael Moore proving that liberals think their voters are idiots. But then moore is an idiot too.
Great title for this post, made me laugh out loud and I’m gonna steal it.
If any Leftist wants to know who the real Nazis are, just look in the mirror. Hitler is known for believing in and using Joseph Goebbels to promote the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”.
They called it the “Big Lie” and today Michael Moore is the “Big Liar” using the same techniques!
All leftists should emigrate to Venezuela.
“They call me Tater Salad”
Oh wait… that wuz Ron White.
Mofo looks like he’s doubled his weight in 5 years – shouldn’t Mooreameoeba be splitting off soon?
But socialism wasn’t “done right” in Venezuela. For all their elite, big brains, the Left can’t seem to find anyone in their ranks who can implement their ideology correctly.
(And that evil capitalism: even when done badly, by a disparate group of know-nothings, still amazes by creating a middle class. It’s one of the longest-running coincidences in history.)