This ain’t good – A risk of penis enlargement surgery is penis shortening – IOTW Report

This ain’t good – A risk of penis enlargement surgery is penis shortening

Ain’t that a kick in the nuts. If you go in for penis enlargement surgery, and nothing happens, you’d only be out some cash.

But there’s a very good chance you can end up leaving the hospital short-changed.

That’s not good.

But even worse, it could end up numb, too.

ht/ cynic



24 Comments on This ain’t good – A risk of penis enlargement surgery is penis shortening

  1. In the locker room one day, A white guy was feeling a little “short changed” in that department, so he asked his black friend what he could do to get one more like the black guy’s. Black guy says to tie a 5 pound weight to it every day for a month. A week later, the black guy runs into the white guy and asks him how it is working. White guy says so far so good; it isn’t any bigger yet, but it’s turned black!

  2. From: General London Medical Clinic
    22 Downing Street,
    London, E11, UK.

    To: Mr. Elbert Jeives
    11 Fendon Road, Forrest Gate,
    London, E 19.
    Dear Mr. Jeives
    We are happy to inform you that the red blotches on your penis were not cancerous, but lipstick.
    We regret the removal of your penis.
    Abdul Omhar
    UK Clinic Supervisor in Chief

  3. If you’re feeling insecure in that department look for a woman with a correspondingly small vagina. There’s stories out there that they exist…………good luck.

  4. …guy pulls his tube out on his wedding night, and it’s the first time his young bride ever saw it. It’s pretty small. She ask him, “Who do you think you’re gonna please with THAT?”

    He replies, “ME!”

  5. Groom to Best Man “How can I tell if my Bride’s a virgin?”

    Best Man “Ask her to tell you what your man-part is – if she says ‘penix’ she’s a virgin, if she says ‘cock’ she’s experienced.”

    Groom, on Honeymoon, pointing to his penix, to his bride “What do you call this?”

    Bride “A penix.”

    Groom “Thank goodness you didn’t say cock!”

    Bride “No. A cock’s MUCH bigger than that!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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