This Anti-Gun MSNBC Host Is Gone – IOTW Report

This Anti-Gun MSNBC Host Is Gone

alex wagner msnbc

NewsBusters: Fans of the Second Amendment will have to deal with one less anti-gun host on MSNBC: Alex Wagner. The journalist is leaving the network and moving toThe Atlantic, the magazine announced on Tuesday. According to Politico, “Wagner will not just be writing for the outlet, she will also play a major role in its live events and video projects.” Her daily show on MSNBC was cancelled last year.   read more 

13 Comments on This Anti-Gun MSNBC Host Is Gone

  1. I’ve been using the pro-abortionists’ logic on the anti-gun leftists. I frequently hear some of the pro-abortion crowd say, “If you don’t like abortion, don’t have one.” So to the anti-gun freaks I say, “If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one.” It seems to really piss them off for some reason.

  2. even steven, it clearly makes the point: the Leftys don’t want what they say it is that they want.

    To tell you what you can and cannot do is what they really want.

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