This Bill Clinton “Recession” Video Is Being Hidden By The Media… No Wonder! – IOTW Report

This Bill Clinton “Recession” Video Is Being Hidden By The Media… No Wonder!

7 Comments on This Bill Clinton “Recession” Video Is Being Hidden By The Media… No Wonder!

  1. Recession? What recession?

    I only have one question. And this is it. What term do you use to explain why my investments have lost over $90,000 for the period Jan 1/22 to Jun 30/22.

    Not holding. My breath.

  2. Citizen walks into the White House carrying a limp, lifeless economy.

    Citizen: “I’d like to register a complaint about this economy.”

    Biden: “Ah, yes. The American economy. What’s wrong with it?”

    Citizen: “It’s in recession. That’s what’s wrong with it.”

    Biden: “Nah, it’s resting. Look…”

    Citizen: “Sir, I know an economy in recession when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now.”

    Biden: “The American economy requires lots of rest.”

    Citizen: “Alright… if it’s resting, I’ll wake it up… HELLO, ECONOMY!! WAKEY WAKEY!!”

    Biden: “There! It moved!”

    Citizen: “It didn’t move. That was you extending unemployment benefits. ECONOMY! RISE AND SHINE! HERE IS YOUR GREEN NEW DEAL STIMULUS PACKAGE!”

    Economy just lies there.

    Citizen: “That’s what I call an economy in recession.”

    Biden: “No, it’s recovering. After four years of such rampant growth, the economy needs time to recover from the traumatic stress of the previous administration.”

    Citizen: “Look here, Joe. This economy is comatose. It’s a paperweight. It’s a monumental pile of fiscal failure. It’s a lifeless hulk rusting away in the junkyard of history. THIS is an economy in recession.”

    Biden: “… it’s Trump’s fault…”


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