This Christmas, President Trump Can Be Thankful To Harry Reid – IOTW Report

This Christmas, President Trump Can Be Thankful To Harry Reid

Washington Examiner

President Trump has been more focused and more successful than any modern president in appointing excellent judges to the federal courts. With the help of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Trump has produced impressive raw numbers in terms of judicial influence.

Still, McConnell is not the Senate majority leader Trump should be thanking. That honor goes to McConnell’s predecessor, former Democratic Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada. More

Bill Whittle and his “Right Angle” companions are thankful for all the excellent appointments to the federal bench. Watch

7 Comments on This Christmas, President Trump Can Be Thankful To Harry Reid

  1. Bill Whittle, who I was an avid fan of since his EjectEjectEject days, along with his sidekicks Orr and Green, took great pleasure in writing off Trump while he was running for the nomination. He went onto the shit pile. Mind you, their criticisms were the snarky REgressive type of bullshit rather solid policy differences(seriously how could you have any)

    “Oh he’s not a conservative…he’ll never keep his campaign pledges…”blahblahblah Same shit from Beck and Levin. Now? yeah

    I wrote Whittle when he started his new website and asked how he felt now that Trump was coming through on his promises. And this was early in his term and he answered, “Wha? me? Gainsaying him?? Why I never…”

    And what has got to be The Most Ironic Thing I’ve seen in a while, I note this trio of douches is(or was) offering a cruise! Ala National Review or The Weakly Standard!! Great fookin’ idea morons, trapped on a boat for a week while they get tongue bathes from sycophants.

    Eat a bowl of dicks Bill.


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