This clip haunts me – IOTW Report

This clip haunts me

This is difficult to watch, but it needs to be posted. This is what the police are tasked to do, and they do it faithfully, while the rest of us sit in judgment from a Barcalounger.

Godspeed, officer.

Graphic content.

21 Comments on This clip haunts me

  1. inexplicable, pathological anger stoked by the mentally-defunct divider-in-chief, who parties while families mourn

    obama is complicit in blm and isis bloodshed, with no remorse or sense of responsibility whatsoever

  2. This was a planned attack. The elites are behind it and they are smirking. There are more planned attacks that will take place around the country. Bank on it.

    These heartless bastards are pieces of demonic scum. The amazingly brave police officers and their families are shattered as are thousands of Texans.

    A Dallas resident

  3. Horrible and gut-wrenching but it really shows what a remorseless, cold-blooded, calculating piece of garbage the murderer was. Oh, and I just read that the murdering piece if crap “liked” the Nation of Islam FB page. Well, well, well! Someone here had wondered about that last night. Good call.

  4. I just watched the video of the protesters when the shooting broke out. Here is what I saw:
    Before the shots – A crowd chanting “F the police! F the police!”
    After the shots – Scared individuals crying “Help me police!”
    F them!

  5. I’m saving this along with similar historic footage that’s eventually forgotten or scrubbed. To show my children when they’re older that elections have consequences. This murder is a direct result of elections.

  6. Obama has done nothing noticeable to heal divisions in his seven years. In fact, Obama has repeatedly created division;
    Unity VS partisanship and dysfunction; Christians VS muslim; black VS white; criminals VS police; public schools VS private schools; socialism VS capitalism; Great Britain VS EU; Constitution VS UN Mandates; Democrat VS Republican; North VS South; Socialized medicine VS free market; corporate VS private entrepreneurs; abortion VS Life; federal land ownership VS Private use; Takers VS Givers, Taxpayers VS tax recipients; government VS Citizens; Illegal immigrants VS Legal immigration; terrorism VS democracy; federal dictates VS state’s rights; secrecy VS transparency; deceit VS truth; right VS wrong; evil VS good; morality VS deviant perversion ….are but a few cases of his divisive actions.
    The foul, rotting fruit we see today are from the seeds of division Obama and the progressive democrats planted and nurtured for over 7 years.

  7. Brad – So, that SKS is the “high powered assault rifle” we’ve been hearing about? I wonder what they’d call a normal every day .30 cal rifle – say, .308 or .30-06?

    I think I may go out tomorrow and buy a bunch of 30-round AR mags and a few AR rifles. Private sales, cash only, natch.

    (I’ve already got a whole bunch of .30-06 clips and the ammo that goes in ’em.)

  8. I don’t watch TV news at home anymore, my TV died about 3 years ago and I never replaced it. However, I have been out of town and staying in a hotel over the past week and turned on the news this morning (just got back home this evening). Obama from Poland is already trying to spin this into a gun control narrative – and I actually witnessed the Fox News people practically spitting on him for trying to turn the Dallas situation into a political gun grab narrative. Maybe there is hope for some of the MSM after all. Fox news guests were saying they couldn’t wait until Jan 2017 and to see the last of obama.

  9. Obozo can spin all he wants. This isn’t a gun control narrative. It isn’t a race narrative. It isn’t a ‘crazy person’ narrative. It’s about evil. The evil originates with the likes of Obama, Clinton, Ayres, Alinsky, Soros.

  10. Posted above:
    The powers that be are itching for a full blown race war.
    End game goals:
    Martial law
    Federalize the police

    Exactly! I am not playing in their sick, demonic, putrid game.

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