This Clip is Causing Debate – IOTW Report

This Clip is Causing Debate

Who is at fault? Cop or motorcyclist?

37 Comments on This Clip is Causing Debate

  1. I like the commentary, “no way that’s a cop, bro.”
    Evidently the Kevlar the biker wore protected his ass.
    Good thing because his brain obviously hasn’t completely formed.
    The cop gave him ONE warning that the biker simply did not heed…

  2. “Police officer purposely slams on brakes for biker to crash into him … “

    dunno about anyone else, but I was taught in 10th grade drivers ed that you had to follow at a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you …. brake lights mean something

    either heed them or eat a bumper

  3. The cop was a dick but I certainly hope the biker has his organ donor card filled out.
    The need for speed should be outweighed by a voice in the back of his head, “hey, I’m getting all of these visual clues that danger in lurking. Perhaps I should slow down and keep my distance?”

  4. Don’t know where this is but most states have laws like this one in Ohio.

    “Ohio Revised Code Section 4511.21(A), which provides in pertinent part as follows:

    “No person shall operate a motor vehicle … at a speed greater or less than is reasonable or proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the street or highway and any other conditions, and no person shall drive any motor vehicle … in and upon any street or highway at a greater speed than will permit the person to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.”

    Assured Clear Distance applies to motorcycles too.

    And you KNEW he was brake checking you, you even said so.

    You should not have been surprised.

    It scares the hell out of me when crotch rockets cut in and out of traffic like that. Sponged a lot of them off the highways back in the day.

    My Basic Trauma Life Support manual defined a motorcyclist several times as a “High Speed Pedestrian”.

    I would advise acting like that’s exactly what you are, and an INVISIBLE one at that…

  5. Yes ΜΟΛΩΝ, I commented on that thread as well.
    In fact, I almost said the same thing here tonight about the speedo.
    Dude was hauling ass and played stupid games and won the grand prize…

    BTW, I see so many bikers with helmet cams these days.
    Seems kinda dumb.
    Pretty much documenting how fast you were going when you meet your demise.
    I bet insurance companies LOVE this…

  6. There is so much wrong in the video.
    The cop (assuming is a dude) is obviously driving way over the speed limit, but the lights aren’t flashing.
    He is changing lanes without turn signals.
    Motorcyclist is following a cop driving at excessive speeds, not staying far enough behind. He is also changing lanes without signaling.
    Cop hits brakes once gradually as a warning and dumbass biker keeps following.
    Cop hits brakes a second time gradually and biker still doesn’t back off even though he has plenty of time.
    Cop brake checks. Biker learns an important lesson about physics.

  7. Having been on both sides of the fence,I’d say maybe the officer was responding to a call and then it was cancelled, and you gave some nitwit on a crotch rocket along for the ride, until the cancelled call slows to the prima facia speed limit! For the normal flow of traffic. Crotch Rockets can make people think they are invincible. I’ve seen enough bodies in my time to know they’re NOT!

  8. Let’s see, the cop slows down. The cop puts his lights on. The motorcycle, that had been hauling ass way over the speed limit passing cars like they were standing still and thinks it is a cop car, doesn’t slow down to anything resembling the speed limit. How many clues does the guy need?

  9. I always tell friends, family & anyone else that wants to ride a bike, particularly one on a major highway, that no matter how defensively you drive, you’re gonna get dumped at least 3 times because of other vehicles (it’s a feature, not a bug), & the more you ride, the more you’re gonna get dumped.

    had a brother-in-law get hit be a lady who clearly saw him. dumped him in some high hedges. she stopped to apologize & said “it was either you or that dump truck. sorry”. had a cousin following a pick-up truck with kids in the back (yeah, we did that back in the day). one of the kids picked up a brick out of the bed of the truck, threw it & my cousin ate it. dumped the bike & several teeth … he was lucky. had my dad, who was a motorcycle cop & got hit & dumped at least two times that required hospitalization, while on duty, by vehicles that were in the wrong. had a cousin decapitated when he crested a hill in Pennsyltucky & went under a tractor trailer that was stalled out just over the crest.

    shit happens on a bike …. I haven’t ridden in years because, as Clint Eastwood said, “a man’s got to know his limitations”.

  10. ΜΟΛΩΝ, with legal weed, drunk drivers, speeding, road rage, EV car infernos, illegals, Asian women, carjacking, dindus, and now the most menacing thing on the road… TEXTING,
    driving a motorcycle is simply a matter of tic-toc-morgue…

  11. The law always says if you rear end someone, you’re at fault unless it’s a pileup and you’re pushed into the vehicle in front of you. So clearly the biker was at fault.

    I’m in no way against bikers, my brothers all rode bikes, one of them who is an old man now still does. My SIL rides his bike to work most of the time. All of them have always had common sense and ride expecting someone to cut them off, pull out in front of them, etc. When you’re on a bike, you’re the one with nothing surrounding you, it’s your job to pay attention, because your lack of attention will get you killed. Unfortunately almost anytime I’m on the road, I see many idiots on bikes who are speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, passing on the right and for them I always think out loud you’re asking to become roadkill. I’ve had to avoid hitting the idiots more times than I count when they pull out in front of me or weave in front me and without me tapping the breaks they would wipe out from clipping my front bumper.

    My husband on the other hand hates bikes with a passion, but in his firefighter/emt days he had to scrape many bikers off the pavement and 90% of the time it was the biker’s fault. Even my SIL who loves bikes says the signs saying watch out for bikers is stupid, it should say bikers should be the ones watching.

  12. I’ve seen the crotch rocket jockeys pulling wheelies while doing 80 on the expressway, – and wearing shorts, t shirt, and sneakers. The law of averages is going to catch up with them if they keep tempting fate.

  13. The takeaway?
    Stay the fuck away from cops – they are NOT your friend.
    If you happen to be going in the same direction as a cop, drive like there’s a cop watching you – because he is.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Took a motorcycle safety class years back which was a requirement to get a motorcycle endorsement on one’s D/L in Florida. The instructor gave great lessons and even better advice that has stuck with me, and it’s not just for riders. He said to look at every car, its position and speed, and then think of the stupidest thing that driver can do, and be prepared for it. It will happen to you sooner or later.

  15. Started riding at 19, and am north of 70, having stopped at sixty-nine. My young doc always called them donor-cycles. A damn motorcycle will make you dead if you don’t respect it. And, oh, those people driving “cages” either aren’t looking for you or don’t care. Cop or not, the rider was rolling the dice and lost.

  16. @ Principal Poop… True dat… it’s used to be known as ‘defensive Driving’. With three million miles in a big truck and no chargeable accidents, it worked for me. No surprises allowed.

  17. Uncalled for on the cop’s part, but the cop knows that whoever hits from the rear is considered at fault for either driving too fast (which is true here) and being too close behind. But by breaking below the minimum speed limit when no traffic was ahead of him, the cop also broke laws with that maneuver.

  18. The biker was being a total dick. The cop was being a total dick. This is what happens when dicks collide. The biker should lose his motorcycle license. The cop should lose his qualified immunity and his certification to be a law enforcement officer. A local woman brake checked a dump truck a few years ago for throwing a rock into her windshield and another woman slammed into the back of it, killing her. The break checker woman went to prison for manslaughter. If that biker had been killed by being run over by another driver, it would have been manslaughter by the cop.


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