This “clock making” story is starting to stink to high paradise – IOTW Report

This “clock making” story is starting to stink to high paradise

A- This kid never “made” a clock. He took the guts out of an old digital alarm clock and put it in a new case. Whoooooooopeeeeeeeeee. Sign him up at MIT, he’s a genius.

B- The fact that he chose something that looks like a suitcase to put it in seems a little too purposeful. Pressure Cooker was probably his first choice, but he couldn’t cut through the lid.

C- His dad is an a-hole Muslim activist.

D- He acted cagily with the police, trying to elicit a reaction by clamming up during his interview.

E- He’s a Muslim. Nuff Syad.

Why is everyone afraid to call this event out for what it was?

This was premeditated by Muslim a-holes in order to get some SJW love from the Twitterati and progressive knuckleheads- Obama being the Grand High Mystic Ruler of Knuckleheads.

The kid scored big.

52 Comments on This “clock making” story is starting to stink to high paradise

  1. If only the world got their news from iotwreport.

    We have all been saying this from day one.
    Instead assholes watch The View, where 4 or 5 corpulent women spew bile from their brain-dead ignorant IQ 48 brains while zombie seal audience members clap in unison.

    We are indeed fucked!

  2. My “trigger warning” was the design of this thing. Why did the kid choose an old man briefcase from the 1980’s to put the clock in?

    Why not a more clever and kid friendly choice like a lunchbox in fun neon colors, an old gaming console or something?

    I think he and his parents wanted it to look the way it did.

  3. Also…

    Reports say he showed it to his science teacher first. That teacher told him not to show it to other teachers. It was when he showed it to his English teacher that all hell broke loose. When interrogated by police he was stand-offish and not really talking except saying it’s a clock and call my parents. He never once said talk to the science teacher?

  4. This is another blow to the self-preservation instincts anyone has left. These bastard moslems keep whining about “islamophobia” so that the sheeple can be slaughtered, cowed and forced to accept islime and sharia because they will become afraid to lose jobs, get sued, or called “racist” or “islamophobic”. I am so angry that the moslem “refugees” are going to be pouring in by the thousands. We are being overrun by illegals and now moslem invaders. I don’t suppose I will ever see my relatives in Sweden and Norway again. It won’t take much longer before the invading hordes complete their conquest there.

  5. If one of my children were in that school I would be championing how the teacher, the administration, and the police handled it. I would say that even if Ahmed Muhammad was named Adam Smith. This is not the pop tart kid. Completely different. This kid knew what he was doing.

  6. So let’s get the record straight. He invites the moooslem clock maker to the White House immediately. Four weeks after the three heroes on the French train stop a terrorist, he invites them to the White House. He awards the one guy that got cut up a purple heart. The dude was on vacation. But the victims at Fort Hood don’t get a purple heart? Is there any sign of logic going on here at all?

  7. This kid did a huge service to future real terrorists, by starting the conditioning of the sheeple. After about 2 more of these types of incidences, people will not say or do anything. So when the real thing happens, we will be totally off guard. You know, like crying wolf.

  8. Just how fucking stupid are we? Now the kid is a genius and is invited the the WH . Meanwhile the teacher and the Police are being criticized for “overreacting.”
    The skinny little prick invented nothing. Nothing! His moussie old man is behind this farce just to embarrass us.

  9. A funny thought. The kid gets invited to the White House and of course he is NOT subjected to the usual Secret Service search and scrutiny. He’s been harassed enough so that process is waived. He takes out Obozo with his home made alarm clock.
    Allahu Fubar!

  10. That is my biggest complaint in all of this.
    Assholes supposedly on our side have to add the caveat:
    “the school and police overreacted”.


    They followed proper protocol.

    That little clock building cunt clammed up like Hillary at a press conference.

    No more fucking caveats!
    This was total bullshit!




  11. My 15-year-old, if I gave her my credit card. could buy the parts online and put together a computer in an old suitcase. It would have a clock, be able to calculate the national debt, and do millions of other things.

    Would he get a trip to the white house?

  12. Hey, a proper muzzie SHOULD take out any muzzie that is so supportive of the gays.
    Hell, why wouldn’t you toss his ass off a five story building?

    Where are your balls muslims?

    Put your fucking Koran where your mouth is before I burn it and flush it down the toilet!

    Yes, Loco is indeed pissed!

  13. It’s hard, but I have been trying to place the order of events together. Still unanswered is did they evacuate to school, and when?

    The school and police have stated that the press is reporting without full knowledge of what transpired. Also they have stated that there is a lot more information that is yet to be released. Which makes me believe that the information is in their favor.

  14. The quote that stands out that we already knew:

    “Ahmed Mohamed didn’t invent his own alarm clock. He didn’t even build a clock.”

    I would guess he doesn’t know what a surface mount device, NPN or PNP transistor is.

    He couldn’t find his rectum with a funnel but he is going to the White House to meet with a goddamn community organizer that is running this country straight into hell.

  15. He’s just mimicking what he sees at home. Creating a clock/briefcase trial mockup and taking it to school is a rite of passage for a young jihadists. He’ll be real proficient with the real thing by the time his eighteenth birthday rolls around.

  16. From “The Manchurian Candidate.”
    “Ahmed Mohamed is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I have ever known in my life.”

    Dr. Yen Lo (on the media) “Their brains have not only been washed, as they say, hee, hee, but they have been dry cleaned.”

    I made all that up. Good night folks.

  17. Oh! I own this type of alarm clock. I still use it! I bought it when I went off to college in 1986. I bought it because of the large numbers and I wore glasses and it was located far from my bed.

  18. Now I can understand why the community organizer in chiefs believes in global warming. Hell spin a shinny object in front of him and tell him it is a perpetual motion prototype and he’ll fund it with tax dollars. The fact that obama thinks this kids disassembled 20 year old Radio Shack kit is an invention only proves how gullible and naive he is.

  19. Kid bites into a pop tart, looks like a pistol, suspend kid on the spot. Muslim kid brings in suitcase wired up into school, gets trip to White House.

    Hey look at that Arab looking guy who just left a suitcase in the middle of that crowded mall! Oh, probably just an alarm clock so no need to report it, less I get accused of Islamophobia.

  20. The right thing for 0bama to do now would be to admit that it was a mistake to congratulate this future jihadi and invite him to the white house under these obviously false pretenses. But that is not going to happen.

    I would guess Valery Jarrett has already come up with some way to blame the “right wingers” for planting “fake” videos and pictures to make it look like the poor moslem victim kid was following instructions from CAIR and the moslem brotherhood.

    The pictures are evidence enough to convict everybody involved of planning a fake bomb incident. What the kid did is not acceptable behavior at any school in the U.S., according to post 9-11 rules and regulations. And it is a criminal act to give this moslem kid a free pass in a situation that would bring the law down on the average American citizen.

    0bama should have that “cool clock” shoved up his ass just before it is sealed shut with tar and feathers.

    Every fck’n day I say it couldn’t get much worse than this, and then it does …

  21. The kid and his parents are must be associated with the muslim brotherhood. This tactic is being used to pave the way for real explosive devices in schools, shopping centers, etc. Also, Obama is trying to provoke a reaction from the right hoping for an event he can take action on.

  22. And funny how the WH was so quickly on this story….why, it had hardly made national news!….(and how did it make national news so readily?) Because the entire incident wasn’t merely planned by daddy muzzie. The entire thing, including the WH visit was preplanned – says I.

  23. I believe that Breitbart story says the “clock” was an “unsolicited” project. No one asked him to make it. He just decided to put the guts of an old clock into a briefcase and call it a “project”.

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