This Country Has What No Other Country Has… – IOTW Report

This Country Has What No Other Country Has…


ht/ NAAC

8 Comments on This Country Has What No Other Country Has…

  1. Well, I thought it was gonna be that we’re the only country on Earth that has a retarded pedophile usurper pretending to be Presidunce.

    Cheerfully wrong.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And then there’s this asshole…

    Are there any white comedians cracking wise about Sec. 8 housing? Holding pistols sideways? Bad taste in wheels? Segregated dorms? Black History Month?

    It’s open season on whites though. Books like The Last White Man are celebrated. Wake me when The Last Black Man comes out.

  3. My geography teacher in college said roughly the same thing, though he did not reference rednecks. Back then, 40 years ago, over 70% of households in my state had at least a rifle and a shotgun, usually several. They let school out for the deer hunt. Now, completely different.


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